Gender Identity Ideology: Propaganda

Marketing the Transgender Child.2

This is from a video promoted by the ACLU, an organisation that has morphed from a respected civil rights organisation ...

Council of Europe: Moral Panic

After looking at a document produced by a coalition of Philanthropic organisations, and Children’s charities, I came across another, eerily ...

Panel on Anti-Trans Backlash.

This forum is hosted by Amnesty International and referenced by the Council of Europe, below. I watched it to see ...

Manufacturing Moral Panic: 3

This section outlines the authors thoughts on a “Gender Restrictive Worldview” which is how they characterise those resisting Gender Identity ...

Manufacturing Moral Panic 2

Why is a network of Charitable funding bodies fuelling a backlash against women’s sex based rights? Why are organisations, set ...

Manufacturing Moral Panic

This document, titled Manufacturing Moral Panic, claims feminists, indeed anybody opposed to Gender Identity Ideology, are aligned with sinister, anti-democratic ...

That Denton’s Document

Primary Sources. This document sets out the strategy for advancing Transgender Rights across Europe, with a specific focus on young ...