Lesbian & Gay Rights in African countries.


In order to contextualise the exporting of Gender Identity Ideology to the African continent it is necessary to look at the current legal position in respect of Lesbian and Gay rights. In many countries it remains illegal to be homosexual and , even where it is legal, this is relatively recent. Furthermore where laws have been enacted it doesn’t necessarily correlate with social attitudes within countries. It is possible that laws favoured by metropolitan elites do not necessarily translate transform prejudice overnight. It is also important that any data looks at the treatment of Lesbians and Gay males separately. As you can see they are not always treated equally.



Furthermore where laws have been enacted it doesn’t necessarily correlate with social attitudes within countries. Passing laws, favoured by metropolitan elites, do not necessarily transform prejudice overnight.  A point made by an organisation (ILGA) who are one of the main drivers for the propagation of Gender Identity Ideology which, from one perspective, is increasingly at odds with Lesbian and Gay rights. 


he same site also tracks Trans rights across the same geographic area.  Note the number of countries that allow legal recognition, on the basis of “gender” with no requirement for any level of commitment re bodily modification. 


Thus there are large swathes of territory in Africa who have approved, effectively, introduced a form of Self-Identified “gender” as well as areas where there is a degree of ambiguity or, at least, no prohibition. One can only fear the consequences in a country which outlaws homosexuality but allows a form of “transition”.

A case in point would be Iran: Homosexuality is illegal and subject to extreme punishment.


In contrast.


This article, from 2014, shows the unintended (or intended?) consequences of that disparity in treatment between the LGB & The T.  In this article a Lesbian talks about how she was subject to discrimination for failing to conform to sex stereotypical modes of dress and expression.  Her route out was seven years of cross sex hormones until she finally accepted that she was simply a Lesbian.  

Trans Away The Gay

It seems astonishing to me that more campaigners for Gay Rights do not see the inherent danger of promulgating Gender Identity Ideology in countries with a fragile, or no, acceptance of homosexuality. However, lest we feel smug at the enlightened nations of the West, see this blog on our own version.

The Woke Gay Conversion Therapy?

Posting this to document the situation on the African Continent in preparation for part two of my piece on a U.K. Foundation promoting Gender Identity Ideology, across Africa, under the badge of funding for International Development.

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and its impact on Women and our Gay Youth. Support is always appreciated but I would be equally happy if you contributed to a legal case or a crowdfunder for Lesbian and Gay News.


TAVISTOCK 4 : Michael Biggs

665A1C9E-6117-4E00-84B7-EF9442EA5791Michael has been indomitable in his research into the use of puberty blockers on, ever younger, children.  Michael is an Oxford University academic who researches social movements and ordinary people, driven to extraordinary actions.  He also researches self-harm as a form of social protest.   An interesting background. As you will see from his paper he was told by some woke students to Educate Himself.  So he did! Here’s what he uncovered.

As always I am happy for you to bypass my commentary and access the paper directly  here.  Either way I recommend reading the full paper.

PDF attached in case his work is taken down: Biggs_ExperimentPubertyBlockers

The pressure, on the Tavistock, Gender Identity Service (GIDs) to introduce earlier intervention is well documented.  For neophytes you can can see the tensions, between Tavistock staff  & Lobbyists, in this oral evidence to the Transgender Equality Inquiry.  here.  With contributions from Susie Green, of Mermaids, and Bernadette Wren, of the Tavistock.

The aim of Trans Activists was to get “The Dutch Protocol” embedded in Tavistock practice. This protocol advocated earlier intervention, seen as the key to a more passing  Trans Community.  Blocking puberty was one way to do this, since it halted the process of masculinisation/feminisation.  Publicly Blockers were touted as merely allowing a delay to explore gender identity issues. Based on research this would seem to be pure Public Relations. 

The paper goes into some detail on the activists involved in the campaign to institute this changed treatment protocol.  One of the familiar names is Stephen Whittle.  Whittle is a transman and has played a key role in instituting Transgender Ideology. The best way to pass as a man, it would appear, is to be to behave like the most regressive mysogynist and attack women’s rights. Below are some other key figures together with groups which provided funding.  ( I did a double take at the Servite Sisters! My Uncle was a Servite Brother; which is a Catholic order. Sure enough, it’s a Charity run by Catholic Nuns. Why would Catholic nuns fund blocking puberty?)


Norman Spack was involved in the treatment of Susie Green’s child.  Susie is now the head of Mermaids, the leading UK charity advocating for medicalising children. Parents with children, who have been through this process, are evangelical in their zeal to extend this to other children. I suspect the motivation is to reassure themselves they did the right thing.   The over-investment of older Trans activists, for early transition, looks like retrospective wish fulfilment.


As stated above the argument for puberty blockers had mainly been promulgated as a “pause”  providing a, temporary, halt to the development of sexual characteristics.  So what happened in the Dutch study?  We know that the Tavistock were aware of this study but they didn’t include this fact in their bid for funding and ethical approval. No adolescent withdrew from puberty suppression and all started cross-sex hormone treatment, the first step of  actual gender reassignment (de Vries, Steensma, Doreleijers, et al., 2010) Source. 

Biggs paper highlights the discrepancies in the statements from GIDS clinicians on Puberty Blockers as a pause.  He even highlights near contemporaneous, and contradictory,  statements on the topic.  See Polly Carmichael, from the Children’s BBC programme, I am Leo, juxtaposed with a statement she gave to the Guardian at around the same time. “We just don’t have the evidence…”

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Ultimately Polly Carmichael got her wish. The Gender Identity Development Service eventually received ethical approval to administer Puberty Blockers to children.   A first attempt was rejected but, undeterred, the application was made again. This time the Tavistock chose to submit the application to a different ethical approval body.  It was then approved. The initial study was based on participants  from 12 years old. However the  evidence  suggests the actual age of commencement can be as young as 10. [See Michael’s paper for how he deduced this.  Also Dr Aiden Kelly admitting this in my earlier piece TAVISTOCK PART THREE (A)]


The paper illustrates how Tavistock accounts of the actual number of subjects involved have varied. The figure of 44 does not remain constant .  This matters because one of the failings in much of the research, in this field, is a failure to follow up patients long term.  Biggs traces the various numbers used in the public reporting on the study.  Damningly, despite being the custodian of the research project,  the Tavistock does not appear to be keeping adequate records on the experimental subjects or taking the opportunity to rectify the dearth of long term follow-up studies.  A missed opportunity or a deliberate attempt at obfuscation?  Dr Carmichael admits that they lose contact with subjects once referred, at age 18 to the adult services.  She also admits that they have not tracked those given hormone blockers in a single database! Thus the medium and long term consequences are not being tracked.  Despite this look at the growth in numbers being given this treatment and the reduction in the age at commencement.  Moreover changes to names and NHS numbers also make it difficult to track those on the receiving end of this experiment. ⇓⇓⇓.  All set out in the clips below. 


Also note that almost all cases led to cross-sex hormones.  Just as in the Dutch Study. Therefore this was not a pause and, 9 years on, the Clinicians involved must know this.  Interestingly only in May 2020 did the NHS change its own guidance to stop referring to Puberty Blockers as “fully reversible”.


Biggs has some significant criticisms of the project. Only one of which is the failure to meet any reasonable threshold for informed consent by not revealing the seemingly, inevitable progression to Cross Sex hormones.  He also highlights the risks of the use of the drub triptorelin,  whose negative outcomes have either been ignored or supressed.

FD48B0C9-4B68-46CD-A7BF-72272E906350There is more information, in the public domain, about the treatment of dangerous sex offenders, than there is of children put on the same drug. Let that sink in.





Below are a couple of quotes. You can read the full study here  Triptorelin.


You can read a detailed list here of : Side Effects


More details of the impact on male children include a stunting of genitalia and negative impact on sexual function.  Given that any surgeries to create a “neo-vagina” rely on sufficient penile tissue, for the most common techniques, this is another serious concern.


Other damning evidence suggests a negative impact on fertility and even sexual function.


Even from the limited evidence that GIDS has shared, mainly in Abstract Form from presentations at conferences, Biggs argues that negative outcomes have been omitted or downplayed.  Some of these relate to bone density, which should be increasing during puberty.  Others relate to reported psycho-social functioning and even suicidal thoughts.


In the light of the concerns raised by the scant evidence in the public domain why has their been no detailed report over 9 years since the project commenced?  Biggs raises some serious questions about how a “research project” , instituted in 2011, has been allowed to progress to 2020 without publishing a full evaluation.


Increasing media coverage and the beginnings of political scrutiny may finally be about to shine a spotlight on this experimental treatment.  Currently there is an ex-patient, Keira Bell, in the process of taking the Tavistock to Judicial Review over the medical intervention she received.  The Safeguarding Lead is to take the Tavistock to court after being informed that safeguarding information was being deliberately withheld from her. Another former member of staff , Susan Evans, commenced legal action over the treatment of children.  The Cass Review will look at Puberty Blockers on behalf of NICE. Liz Truss has signalled a change of direction over the treatment of under 18’s.

More politicians are also waking up to this issue.

An Ex- Labour peer, and Doctor of Medicine, Lord Moonie, has been raising issues on the medicalisation of kids and the impact on women’s spaces for well over a year. (Banned from twitter & resigned from Labour over this issue.)  Latterly a Conservative MP , Jackie Doyle-Price has begun to speak up.  Baroness Nicholson another Conservative Peer has been a tour de force in raising issues about the creeping influence of Gender Identity Ideology.  Another Medically trained peer, Lord Lucas raised a question in the House of Lords in May 2019.


At the time of that question we were told the data would be available in the next 12 months.  We have heard that before.  However Lord Lucas is on the case and assured me he intends to follow this up.


Michael acknowledges the support he had in putting this document together which I include here: 991912D2-F98F-4DC7-AA4F-D9383DBBB3EA

I will leave you with the original patient who triggered the establishment of The Dutch Protocol in the early 1990’s.  2B3693F3-297D-443B-92AE-CB54E31CC72B

Patient B has been followed all the way up to age 35.  One would assume that the outcome would have been positive and indeed patient B is highlighted as a success.   Indeed they say they do not regret their transition.  This does not look like a good outcome to me and I fear we will have many more before someone, finally, halts this experiment.   Allow me to also make the observation that if were talking about a biological male there is no way an absence of a healthy sex life would be regarded as positive.



Tavistock: 1989-2018

This is based on this youtube presentation by a member of staff at Tavistock in March 2018.  You can watch this: here. 

Here’s a transcript of the talk TAvistock part 3

I have covered the physical interventions we are visiting on children/youth, who present with Gender Dysphoria, here TAVISTOCK PART THREE (A)

I now want to examine what this talk tells us about how we diagnose these children and include a few quotes that didn’t make into part A. .

662F82EF-94C0-49B6-8C6A-1563ACD6C958We are basing this diagnosis on the belief that, somehow, Gender Identity exists independently of biology and is sometimes in conflict with our biological sex.

This slide shows that Dr Kelly recognises biological sex, sexual orientation and sexual identity exist.  He also identifies, separately, Gender Roles, Gender Expression and Gender Identity.

Biological Sex is the easy one.  Despite efforts to destabilise the definition of sex we are a sexually dimorphic species.  Differences/Disorders of Sexual development (also referred to as intersex) don’t disrupt the “binary” of sex. Here are two people qualified to comment on the issue of sexual dimorphism.  Claire’s comment, below,  is a good one to keep handy as her article, published in the journal Nature, is often wheeled out to claim the opposite of what she meant. It is actually a fascinating  Article


Dr Kelly defines our Biological sex as our anatomy and says it is an important part of  our sexuality and sexual identity.  I am not sure how sexual attraction is only partially reliant on biology, except that this matters in Transgender Ideology.  Additionally,  what does “sexual identity” mean here?  It maybe to accommodate people who identify as the opposite sex (not just gender). Alternatively it is, perhaps, to include people who identify as a particular sexual orientation regardless of their sexed body. That is to be inclusive of self-described “male lesbians”, or female’s who identify as “gay men”. 

Gender Identity is here described as a “personal and individual thing” which is not necessarily fixed.  Yet another reason why it is not a good idea to base legal concepts on something undefinable and shifting. If Gender Identity relies on a personal, subjective feeling how is it sensible to codify it into Law?


Gender Expression.  This seems to mean how you “perform” your gender and how you signal  which gender you identify with/as.


Here Dr Kelly, an obvious biological male, talks about his identity as a man.  We learn how this might be signalled by the way he dresses, manners, his hands and even the way he crosses his legs.  This is all complicated by the notion of metrosexual males who may even cross their legs in a feminine way but still identify as male.  Confused?  Don’t worry. It is, apparently, complicated and kind of hard to think about.  God help those of us with #LadyBrains.

Then there are Gender Roles.  DEE8D583-FE70-493A-9A96-B96D45D2BC57

Here he recognises these rely on gender stereotypes.  Am I a woman because I pick up the dustpan and brush? Don’t be silly. That’s just a gender stereotype. We want to deconstruct those don’t we?  And here we come to a startling admission.  “The last thing we want to do is to have a young person changing their body to fit in with… societal rules”.  Dr Kelly would love to take Gender out of this issue altogether.  But, guess what, we have to deal with reality.  I assume he means  gender stereotypes are deeply entrenched and changing society is too hard.  So what does he propose?  We need to “carve out a space” for someone to express their gender, in ways that society will accept.  Are we really carving up the bodies of young people because that is easier than transgressing expected norms of behaviour for fe/males?   I am old enough to remember when Gender Non-Conforming behaviour was widespread.  What happened?  I give you Annie Lennox and Boy George.  I could supply loads more examples.

Next we are introduced to the Gender Unicorn. (See Header).  A slide that Dr Kelly uses to introduce concepts central to his work.  Sex is, unsurprisingly, described as “assigned at birth”.  People with DSDs are othered as a third sex.  Sexual orientation is undermined by the inclusion of romantic/emotional attraction.  We are using this tool in primary schools!  So, is it entirely unsurprising we are seeing rising rates of Gender Dysphoria in girls, and boys? Who amongst us performs our sex stereotypical expectations 100% accurately?

It gets even more confusing when we examine how young children think about gender.  We are provided with this slide which shows how children are socialised into expectations of what makes a boy or girl. A8228010-BD32-4390-B218-A9153523789E

This kind of thinking, in a two year old, is quite cute.  It is less so when espoused by our political, media and medical elite.  I like my politicians to engage with issues as adults not toddlers.

There is not much to disagree with in the next slide except to wish the Dr would join the dots. Emerging sexuality and associated feelings of shame. (Surely worse for those who realise they are same sex attracted in a heteronormative culture).  Anyone paying attention would see that  the rigidity of the “gender binary” and the impact of parental or societal expectations has significantly worsened in the last twenty years.


Is the new rigidity of Gender Stereotypes a new Backlash  against Women’s rights? As women encroach on male professions is this a new way to put women back in their box?  Is the  Public Femininity display a way to dispel the ball-breaking bitch trope?  Are we displaying hyper femininity to signal we are no threat to men?   This could be labelled compliance, or subversion,  either way omething seems to be going on.

Moving on to the understanding of gender in 8 year olds.  Dr Kelly makes an astute observation about the meaning of gender for young children compared to 38 year olds.  Note that we are following one set of diagnostic criteria for both groups.  Children pick up social cues which reflect the society in which they live. Adults, mainly males, also  absorb expectations from adult depictions of female roles. Some of this in contexts (porn) that, you would hope, your eight year old  has not encountered.  See this interview with Andrea Chu who is remarkably honest about their pathway. You can read up on Chu’s thoughts on the  role of sissy porn and the concept of the female as passive: here


Our kids are navigating such difficult territory.  I was one of 8 children. Six of us girls. All the horrific statistics about sexual violence against women and children were played out on our bodies.  I was a dungaree wearing, tree- climbing, jumper off buildings.  We ran free and I was not unusual.  Sure we had pretty dresses, for specific occasions, but overwhelmingly we lived in “playing out clothes”. These were the norm and we would nowadays, describe them as gender neutral.  I was brought up in a pretty traditional household. Working class father. Manual occupation.  Definitely seen as the breadwinner. Even in that context it was absolutely the norm for we girls to do this. Nowadays this would put us at risk of referral to the Gender Identity Industrial Complex!

Fast forward to puberty.  As Dr Kelly recognises this is a hugely challenging time for young people. It’s a turbulent time for even the most well adjusted teen.


What happens if you throw in some complicated family dynamics?   Below  Dr Kelly outlines some scenarios.  There are multiple everyday reasons why girls struggle during puberty.  Growing up in a society with record violence against women, endemic woman hating porn, hyper-sexualised expectations for young women. No wonder girls are identifying out of their sex.  For young boys, who don’t want to be associated with toxic masculine socialisation, who are gay and on the “femme” side the flip side of this equation comes into play.  Throw in some domestic turbulence and you get some extreme rejections of what it means to be female /male in this society.


And lets not forget homophobia.  Some parents would prefer a faux-straight child to a male child who they might think the behaviour, described below,  signals their son may be a proto-gay male.


Dr Kelly goes on to talk about how people can hold toxic views about gender.  People can also have quite toxic views rooted in homophobia.👇


I find myself bewildered that the Gender Identity Specialists didn’t anticipate this.  The law of unintended consequences.  Spend all your time banging on about undermining heteronormative culture and guess what?  You did a great job of establishing a new, pernicious, way of establishing it.  All your campaigning around “disrupting binary thinking about gender” and what did it achieve? We have actually  established a way to make sex stereotypes “flesh”  ; by carving up the bodies of boys and girls who don’t conform.

I wonder how many people, who have dedicated their lives to the furthering of this social revolution, have  dark nights of the soul?   They should.








Tavistock Clinic: Polly Carmichael

This is some background to a talk given by a member of staff from the Gender Identity Services  (GIDS) at the Tavistock. The talk is by Dr Polly Carmichael and provides  insight into clinical/ethical issues for Gender Identity Services.  I want to explore Dr Carmichael’s belief system and the alternative perspective of those of us who reject the Tavistock model.  Dr Carmichael reflects on the tension between “affirmative” approaches to children with Gender Dysphoria and what she labels “reparative” or “conservative”.   I will argue that parents resisting medical intervention are also “affirming”.  You can listen to the talk yourself  here

Proponents of an “affirmative” approach believe that a child can be “Born in the Wrong Body”. They will often use phrases like “assigned at birth” to describe how  sex is determined. They argue the sex you are designated at birth may not match your “Gender Identity”.  Therefore you may, in fact, have an opposite “Gender” to the sex which you were “assigned”.  The theory of an innate Gender Identity mirrors established child development theory on the age  a child realises they are a boy or girl. For advocates of Gender Identity Theory this is seen as a sign that we all have an innate sense of “gender” and become aware of it at around three years of age. Therefore  if a child communicates some discomfort/distress, at being treated as a girl, or boy, they are deemed to be exhibiting  a conflict between their sex and gender. As this is a feeling , relying on an internal sense of self, the child will, it is argued, know better than their parents which “gender” they are. This argument sets the stage for empowering children/teens to act without parental consent. Something lobbyists are openly arguing should take place.  Those that subscribe to this belief  often use language around bodily autonomy to push for positive affirmation of the child’s “gender”. This may take social forms; such as allowing a new name, style of dress or pronouns which match the preferred gender. This can also take the form of medical interventions such as Puberty Blockers followed by Cross-sex hormones.