Queering the NSPCC? FINAL

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children dates back well over a century.  It was granted a Royal Charter, by Queen Victoria, in 1895.  The NSPCC is the only UK charity which has been granted statutory powers under the Children Act 1989, allowing it to apply for care and supervision orders for children at risk.  Childline, the charity founded by Esther Rantzen, became part of the NSPCC in 2006.

After looking at the ChildLine Content on Porn;  I was moved to examine their other content.  I focussed specifically on LGBTQ+ content and you can find these blogs all headed Queering the NSPCC.

In summary the Lesbian content is extremely limited.  Where two females are included the word Lesbian seems to be verboten.  Even the Gay males, who do get more coverage, seem obliged to reference the fluidity of their sexual orientation, identify as Queer  but avoid any expression of an, exclusively, same sex orientation.

Here is a summary of their content and how much time it devotes to sexual orientation.  I have been very generous in assigning the label Lesbian to the two I cover here.  They are clearly female couples but do not mention the word Lesbian.   Two of the posts left me in doubt about the sexuality of the interviewees.  Asexual, we are told, covers 1% of the population and yet is given two YouTubes. Trans coverage is given 21% of the content and all the LGBTQ+ invariably foregrounds the T.   The content for Gay males is higher but many pay lip service to the idea of Gendered Attraction, as opposed to being confident in proclaiming their exclusive sexual attraction to biological men.

Here is a spreadsheet of all the content with some notes, where appropriate.  NSPCC Content

Below the NSPCC endorses controversial charity Mermaids which advocates for “Trans Kids”, campaigns for earlier medical intervention, and suggests children struggling with Gender Identity issues need to be safeguarded from parents.  Mermaids think any parent who fails to agree  their child is #BornInTheWrongBody is abusive and places their child in danger of suicide. They do this by referencing extremely dubious statistics. 👇  Suicide in the Trans Community

Do the NSPCC also agree with this characterisation of, parents of kids with Gender Dysphoria, as abusive if they dont’ medicalise?  Their content is replete with the notion that sex  is merely “assigned at birth” and they are confident signposting children to Mermaids.


They are also meeting with Stonewall. Once a venerable advocate for Gay rights. Now in total thrall to the Trans Lobby. Peter Wanless is the head of the NSPCC and Gender Identity Ideology has been peddled to vulnerable kids on his watch. 👇


I also had a delve into any content about women’s rights and unearthed this content.  Even in content about women we are obliged to pay homage to the idea of Self-Identifying Women/Men. Abject nonsense about “people with periods”.

Queer Theory in Practice.

The NSPCC have also received some media coverage today for a Nude Family Swim which is an event at Waterworld in Stoke.  Apparently the NSPCC were involved in developing the Safeguarding policy.   I wish we lived in a world where childhood innocence was protected but it is naive to, implicity,  endorse activities such as these 👇

Archive link to the article https://archive.is/3oJcl

I doubt I would have been moved to look at the NSPCC were it not for the responses they issued to people raising concerns about some disturbing social media activity by one of their employees.  Full Story is below.

This story of James Making, a former employee,  of the NSPCC until he was eventually Let Go is illustrative of how far this charity has lost its way,  James  was responsible for the short-lived role of Munroe Bergdorf, a trans activist, at the NSPCC. He then became known for more notorious activities at his place of work.   This one story ought to have been a wake up call for the NSPCC but I fear they are unable to change course.  I include this woeful tale because it is indicative of how the adoption of Gender Identity Ideology and the obsession with LGBTQ+ has clouded the Charity’s judgement.  When you make any community into a modern day “Priest class”  your critical faculties become dimmed.

James Making & Munroe Bergdorf

I began to look at the NSPCC following an incident involving an employee who clearly stated his employer on his Social Media accounts. He then posted footage of himself masturbating, in leather fetish gear, at work.  Not content with this he added a clear statement that he was doing this at a Children’s Charity.  Clearly  this detail about the context was intended to  further  titillate  his audience.


James was the NSPCC employee responsible for hiring a Transgender model/ activist as an advocate for the charity.  Munroe had previously lost other roles after previous social media activity came to light. L’oréal, The Labour Party & the BFI were three such roles. Once the NSPCC post was announced the public backlash began. Munroe presents a highly sexualised image of what they believe to be female presenting. Potentially more worrying were public invitations for troubled children to contact them directly. As many people pointed out this showed a naïveté about safeguarding children. The model had posed for playboy, and solicited messages from “transkids

The unsuitability of this role model is amply illustrated here 👇


Munroe also posted some invitations for children to contact them directly, via social media, in an ill-advised approach to #ChildSafeguarding.


The NSPCC dispensed shed with Munroe’s services, not without a hint of denial about their role, despite having publicly announced it.9DC38320-6DF6-4796-909C-A024FC5CEE2A

Later they would issue a grovelling apology, to Munroe, for the manner of the sacking.

Here is the statement  👇


When the masturbatory antics of Mr Making were revealed the NSPCC’s Immediate response, astonishingly, was to berate people for raising concerns! It also accused them displaying homophobia and attacking their staff. Other high profile Guardian writers joined in 👇


So let me reiterate. A man was posting, publicly, video of himself masturbating on the premises of a Charity, whose remit is to protect children. Observers had no means of determining his sexuality, His actions were raising  red flags all over the place.🚩

You can read more on this, by Jo Bartosch here

Here are a couple of clips from that article and one (censored) from the post made by Mr Making.


The NSPCC remained silent for some time until it emerged that the employee had been sacked.

The  NSPCC openly proclaims  that it’s priority is their  LGBTQ credentials.  My reading of their content shows they are committed to the Q at the expense of the rights of people who fought to gain legal protections for their sexual orientation. 5772232A-D7CD-451C-8453-76F7387F46EF

Lesbians?  Not so much. 

Queering the NSPCC? Part Five: Trans Puberty Myths

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children dates back well over a century.  It was granted a Royal Charter, by Queen Victoria, in 1895.  The NSPCC is the only UK charity which has been granted statutory powers under the Children Act 1989, allowing it to apply for care and supervision orders for children at risk.  Childline, the charity founded by Esther Rantzen, became part of the NSPCC in 2006.

Trans Puberty Myths

This episode features an interview with Charlie Martin, who is an adult transitioner, YouTuber and racing driver. Alongside Charlie is Alex Bertie, who is also YouTuber who covered their transition on line.  

You can watch it Here

You can read a transcript here: Trans Puberty Myths

Right off the bat the intervewer uses the phrase “Gender assigned at birth”.  Once again!  Nobody is assigned a Gender at birth. Sex is observed and recorded. The number of people, where there is any ambiguity , necessitating an “assigned sex” is infinitesimally small. These are people with differences/disorders of sexual development (DSDs), sometimes referred to as Intersex. The latter nomenclature has fallen out of favour because it others sufferers as somehow outside of the sex binary. In fact the various conditions are all associated with either the male or female sex.

To provide further clarity it is important that people avoid confusing people with DSDs  with people who reject their birth sex. The rate of chromosomal abnormalities in the trans community is no more significant than in society at large. Research conducted, in the U.K. , resulted in the abandonment of Karyotype tests, to identify these conditions, in referrals to Gender Identity Clinics.. Quote below 👇. Full article  Here


The interviewer commences by highlighting how puberty is worse for “trans” people. At face value this seems a reasonable assumption. Presumably, if you believe you are about to enter a “wrong puberty” it could  exacerbate pubertal distress, or, arguably, displace it.   I would have  liked to have seen more emphasis on the fact that struggling with a female puberty is hardly rare. Dealing with the onset of menstruation/ budding breasts is a difficult time for *ALL* females. It is perfectly normal to struggle with puberty and to feel at odds with your sexed body.  This cannot be over-emphasised. I have seen more than one de-transitioned female wish they had known this was something many other girls experienced. 

The interviewer is  also dangerously quick to highlight that blocking puberty is an option. Additionally, after this statement, 👇 they even highlight options to change GP if they are not sympathetic (acquiescent?) with  access medical intervention.  We are not talking about smarties here! This is a very serious medical intervention with irreversible consequences. 


Neither Alex or Charlie had their puberty blocked,  Alex presents puberty blocking drugs  as something  you can simply stop taking and changes will resume. In fact virtually all children put on puberty blockers don’t go back, they invariably progress to cross sex hormones.  This is a medical experiment. We have never before blocked a natural puberty in its entirety.  

Both Charlie and Alex are keen to dispel any connection between your “gender” and your sexuality.  Both profess to be  fluid about their sexual orientation according to their YouTube channels. Alex presents an episode on whether they are Gay.  Starts off identifying as bisexual because they had dated males and females. They then  had a long relationship with a girl so identified as a Lesbian.  Once they discovered their trans identity they briefly identified as straight. They then reverted to bisexual until they discovered pansexual. (Attraction to all “genders” and more politically acceptable than implying sex plays a role in your attraction). Here is the YouTube:   Am I gay?


Alex seems to have had one long relationship with another trans man i.e. a female.  Latterly, post testosterone & double mastectomy they report dating “cis guys” . Interestingly they seem to only lose the power of speech around an attractive girl.   Here is a link to their YouTube where  they talkabo ut their experience on Grindr, a dating site for homosexual males.  Alex reports having the  weird experience of being asked about their genitals by Gay men.  I remember the days when we used to think it was “weird” for females to assume gay men should include them in their dating pools.  Link here.  I’m Dating

Charlie Martin’s YouTube is similarly of a sexually fluid nature.  Pre-Sexual Reassignment surgery they report only being attracted to “girls”. Post SRS they report that their sexual encounters, so far, had been with males.  This is not uncommon in later transitioners with a background (and present) in stereotypically masculine pursuits. Early reports of validation by men flirting with Charlie, as a women, are not uncommon in this section of the Trans community.  There is a fine line between needing validation , as a woman, and re-orienting your sexuality around that need, Could that explain the fluid sexuality? 

The reiterated claim that gender is entirely disconnected from your sexuality suits a particular trans-narrative. 👇. It seems harmless until it challenges  same sex orientation and the idea that restricting your dating pool to your own sex is “transphobic” .  If you are unfamiliar with this idea search #CottonCeiling.  There used to be a straight male joke about really being a “Lesbian”. Sadly this is now a common feature on Lesbian dating apps who are awash with Zero Effort Trans “male Lesbians”. 


There follows an interesting discussion about whether there is such a thing as male or female pursuits. Mermaids, a Trans Charity for children, has only recently disavowed the notion that toy preferences can indicate you may be trans. This idea does permeates Gender Identity Ideology.  You can read more about this here

Charlie tells us they had typical preferences for boys,  Alex tells us he only felt the need to reject anything considered “girly” to avoid sowing doubt about their “trans status” in their parents minds.  👇

As we all know Gender is largely a performance.  The stakes, however, are higher if you are permanently required to deny your sex and convince onlookers to play along with the illusion.  Charlie’s YouTube offers and interesting perspective from the point of view of a self-proclaimed “uber masculine” male and their journey to finding their female identity.  Well worth a look at their content to get some insight as to how “women” are assumed to feel.  Expect lots of references to make-up, shopping, and girly nights out complete with joint visits to the Ladies Loo! here




If you want to support my work here is my paypal. Please only do so if you can afford. Any amount will help. tishnaught@me.com


Queering the NSPCC? Part Four: Queer Bodies

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children dates back well over a century.  It was granted a Royal Charter, by Queen Victoria, in 1895.  The NSPCC is the only UK charity which has been granted statutory powers under the Children Act 1989, allowing it to apply for care and supervision orders for children at risk.  Childline, the charity founded by Esther Rantzen, became part of the NSPCC in 2006.

ChildLine Queer Bodies

This is the fourth in a series looking at ChildLine content and how it  promotes Transgender Ideology to children /teens. Gender Identity Ideology saturates their content. Some  examples are more egregious than others.  This interview 👇, for example, has some good content. It begins with a discussion about pressures on children / teens in the Queer community or LGBTQ+. The subject of the interview would appear to be a  Gay male (Roly) who formerly  identified as a twink  and now has moved on to identify as non-binary and Gender Fluid.

Here is the link to the youtube Link

Here is a transcript: Queer Bodies Alana and Roly


Pressures on Gay Men

It begins well. The two discuss pressure on Gay men to  present as “preened and buff“.  Roly highlights an internal contradiction. He  finds these images appealing  whilst, simultaneously, acknowledging the pressure it generates. He is also  keen to point out that he doesn’t judge people on their bodies.  Nevertheless he felt drawn to identify as a twink because it best fits his body type.  One requirement of the twinkdom was to remain skinny and, Roly reveals, this did lead him into an eating disorder.  There is increasing research into eating disorders in gay men so this is an important point to make. We are much more aware of eating disorders in females, and too little attention is given to pressures on homosexual males.  If you are attracted to your own sex, who you find attractive may foster self-criticism  on how you measure up to your own erotic target. This is a particular pressure for same sex attracted males that is worthy of consideration.  If you are a femme gay male attracted to hyper masculine men, could  this pressure motivate  a retreat from identifying as male?  I would have liked to see that explored here.

Alana does, at least, recognise the existence of Lesbian women who, she suggests, “may feel she has to be a lipstick lesbian or a butch lesbian”.   Unfortunately marred by the preceding comment that these pressures co-exist with “trying to work out what your gender is” . My rejoinder is that  10 years ago this pressure didn’t exist!  It’s ubiquity, now, shows every sign of being iatrogenic, Endless content, such as this,  in the ChildLine youtube channel is fostering this disassociation from biological reality.

Segues into Trans Identity.

Thus, after a token consideration of the L & G,   the conversation moves on to claim  how much harder this is for Trans people. The remainder of the interview is all about the T.  This seems to be the standard trajectory, a nod to the homosexual community, quickly  followed by discussion diverting to yet more  Transgender Ideology.


Non-Binary /Gender Fluid

Roly then informs us that he finds it difficult to accept that he is non-binary because he failed to have androgynous role models. Perhaps he should have dug a little deeper into the history of gay men and Gender Non-conforming women?  👇


After he came out as Gender Fluid, he informs us, “people would look at me and be like but you look you’re a man and so it was a long long journey for me”.  A good therapist, at this point, would perhaps unpick what underpins this claim to be Gender Fluid.  It’s clearly not the way they present and nobody would interpret him as anything other than a biological male.


ChildLine on YouTube

Another feature of these videos is how effusive the interviewers are about YouTube as a source for support and information. Roly is not alone in saying how much YouTube content helped him find role models.  The better approach would be to reference to how prominent YouTubers carefully curate their content to present an image to their subscribers. Their platform built on an identity and maintaining it can be vital to  continued revenue streams. Typically the Transgender content will be celebratory, not critical. A children’s charity should offer a more skeptical commentary on social influencers. Instead their marketing team seem to be have won the day and collaborations with social media influencers are commonplace.

Gendered Bodies?

Roly provides a rather messianic rant about the imposition of bodily expectations on cross-gendered identities.  Forget what you thought you knew about transsexuals. There is no longer any expectation, on people  who reject their biological sex, to make any effort to assimilate.  The expectations are now on society, to unlearn biological facts, to accept people for who they say they are.   Roly provides this advice/instruction for how to live in the New World Order.


Again, for emphasis, Roly is here endorsing the idea of the Gendered Brain, The idea that Gender Identity exists in the brain,  This performs two functions that harm women. First it endorses the idea of #LadyBrain. Long used to explain why women are unsuited to certain job roles or positions of power. I am not a proponent of blank slate theory. I don’t dismiss some hard-wired differences, related to evolution. However women have always had to contest this area. to separate the science from the propaganda.  Here are two  books that cover this area.
Maybe  our non-binary friend should have undertaken some reading before he posed this head scratcher.

 Without a shred of self-awareness this is what Alana thinks she has done with this interview.  

Teaching children not to obsess ❌. Teaching children to accept themselves ❌.  

Nope. This is exactly the opposite of what you achieved with this interview.



ChildLine content is not fostering self-acceptance. It is contributing to the inculcation of Gender Dysporia, Bodily disassociative disorders and relentlessly pushing Gender Identity Ideology. I wonder if Esther Rantzen has had a look at it lately?

See the source image

Queering the NSPCC? Part One. WTF Porn!

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children dates back well over a century.  It was granted a Royal Charter, by Queen Victoria, in 1895.  The NSPCC is the only UK charity which has been granted statutory powers under the Children Act 1989, allowing it to apply for care and supervision orders for children at risk.  Childline, the charity founded by Esther Rantzen, became part of the NSPCC in 2006.

Here was the first piece of YouTube content, by ChildLine that kicked off my series on their content.  The content I look at here provides its audience (children & teens) with search terms for niche genres of pornography, some of which I had to look up and even then some remained obscure. The fact that a children’s charity, with a statutory role in Safeguarding, would provide a list of Adult search terms for Hardcore pornography should be enough to raise serious concerns about their organisation.   The remainder of the series looks at how hard they are peddling Transgender content to their viewers.


ChildLine Content on Porn. https://youtu.be/oE5-RWDqUkk

Here is a transcript of that video. TOMSKA WTF PORN ChildLine

TomSka is a social media influencers recruited by the NSPCC to provide some guidance for children exposed to porn.  He also hosts content on a channel called DarkSquidge.  His channels are clearly linked on the ChildLine video.  There is some attempt to caution about the dangers of porn, the impact on women, and the problematic nature of the porn industry. The tone, however, was anything but cautionary ending with a note of “have Fun” WTF Porn   Is an apt title.


Copy here. Archive Copy

Here are a few clips which will give you an idea of the content.  The tone is jocular and glorifies access to porn. There is only the merest nod to the harms access to porn can do: to young boys, and the girls who they will practice upon.

The man doing this, and the people who signed this off, clearly thought children need to be given search terms to help them navigate porn sites safely! These terms included Hentai, Hardcore, Facial, BDSM.  I myself only found out about Hentai recently and it’s not for the faint hearted. Children  should not be taught to fetishise women but ChildLine also highlighted interracial and Lesbian porn. I have no idea what Thespian porn is. Facial pertains to women being ejaculated upon in the face. Children seeing this video are being groomed to see niche, and degrading sexual practices as the norm.  I can’t begin to imagine what Swan Disco, Far Cry or NEDM are. What I do know is ChildLine has made a video with a handy list of search terms, for children, for sexual practices that they are far to young to understand.


TomSka tells us that rape is one of the most popular themes in porn! He tells us that if the issue of consent comes up in Porn it is there to be ignored.  The section on the Law and porn inserts just enough content to give the appearance of a concern about the impact of porn. However, it in no way offsets the dangerous messages in the rest of the content. How anyone can acknowledge the darker aspects of  porn in such a jocular manner eludes me.

Another disturbing element is when he discusses the age of access to porn and asks the viewers  this.  “You are 18 right?”  Again this is done in a jocular matter which makes it clear he knows, full well,  he is not talking to 18 year olds.

Then cut to this response, in a child’s voice, as made clear by the subtitles.


Later on the video has a go at educating children about issues of consent. Even here it tells it’s viewers that rough and forceful sex should only be done by consent and with safe words. Once again this is teaching children about a niche adult fetish. The childLine logo is clearly displayed and it remains on their channel.  I am left wondering who does due diligence at the NSPCC? I posted this and asked the NSPCC if they still stood by this content. No response. I was however sent some examples of this you tubers twitter content by other concerned tweeters. 


And this 👇9496B847-282A-47E9-861F-3AB0873C2762

Next up. I will have a look at what the NSPCC thinks is important in demonstrating its LGBTQ credentials. 5772232A-D7CD-451C-8453-76F7387F46EF

I am currently trying to find some contentThe idiom or the figure of speech “look for a needle in a haystack” is used to describe something elusive in a large space or a sisyphean task. Magnifying glass on the needle is isolated on white , on the ChildLine Youtube about what it means to be a same sex attracted Female, i.e. a Lesbian.  So far I have found endless Transgender content.

Lesbians?  Not so much.