Foster Care: Final

Here are links to my series on the over-representation of Looked After Children and Gender Identity Issues.

In part 1 I looked at two legal cases involving “transgender” children. The first one is related to a foster parents who have had three of the children in their diagnosed with “Gender Dysphoria”. One was their biological child and the other two were wards of the state. Three unrelated children, in one family, referred to Gender Identity Services.

Looked After Children & Gender Dysphoria 1

In part 2 I looked at a Canadian Gender Identity Specialist. This specialist openly admits that 50% of his referrals, that is 500 children, have come to him from the “looked after ” sector. He also recommends that one way to get access to a medicalised pathway is to make claims of suicide ideation/attempts or self-harm.

Looked After Children & Gender Dysphoria. 2

Part 3 examined a paper which looked at data, on looked after and adopted children, from the UK Gender Identity Service (GIDs) based at the Tavistock.

Gender Dysphoria: Looked after Children. Part 3. U.K. GIDS


 In part 4 I looked at a Foster Agency which provides guidance to Professionals in relation to Trans-Identified Youth in their care. 

This post will look at some guidance provided for professionals working with children in Foster Care.

You can read the full document here:


The kit is aimed at Social Care Professionals. It is produced by an organisation called Three Circles Foster Care who are a private limited company. They are involved in the delivery of foster care services across the North West and in Yorkshire. They offer a range of services which include respite care, long and short term placements, pre-adoption placements and a service for unaccompanied minors.

They also offer services from a partner organisation, The National Teaching & Advisory Service which has a common director and offers courses for Foster Carers and Social Workers amongst others.

Here is a link to their website:

The guidance was produced in collaboration with the LGBT Foundation and advice was taken from Trans Activist and NHS employee, Tara Hewitt following a consultaion with The Proud Trust. For those of you unfamiliar with Tara please note them boasting, to Mermaids, about safeguard referring children if the parents are deemed to be unsupportive of a “trans-identity”. The second clip is a newspaper article at the time that Tara was on the candidate list for the Conservative party. Tara has been quite open about their niche sexual interests: BDSM, Bondage, sado-masochism and pet play, which I believe is known as “Furry” fetish. Can’t think of a better person to be advising on an issue that comes under child safeguarding.

As well as The Proud Trust the acknowledgements also thank Susie Green, from Mermaids.

As you can see from the clip below the guidance is s deeply wedded to Gender Identity Ideology. Gender, we are told, is assigned, it includes transgender, non-binary, no gender, gender questioning…but this is not an exhaustive list. As an aside, I notice that even groups deeply wedded to Gender Identity Ideology betray a nervousness that they cannot keep up with the ever widening “identities” under the Transgenda Umbrella.


Children in care /Looked after children are wards of the state for multiple reasons. These children are likely to be among the most vulnerable in our society. It is likely those without a background of trauma/abuse are in a tiny minority. I would go so far as to say that any child, no longer with their birth family, has some issues of “identity” to reckon with because of their background.

The director is Jacob Sibley. In his biography it is noted that he has links to the LGBT Foundation, who, in turn are partnered with the new Gender Identity Clinic (Indigo) which was set up in Manchester to provide an affirmative pathway for trans-identified folks. Indigo Clinic is provide care for those 17 years and above; though its website says this is an initial client group which implies they wish to expand their services.


Three Circles also partner with charities and help support them. Here is one of those Charities. The Proud Trust.


You may have heard of The Proud Trust. They got into some public relations trouble through their controversion sex education. They took money earmarked for women and girls to promote their gender ideology and controversial guidance to sexuality. You can read about them here:

The guidance for professionals dealing with “trans” youth has totalitarian overtones. The phrase “educate yourself” springs to mind. In this piece they make it clear that their aim is much broader than you would expect for a guidance pack. They also produce a leaflet which is even more direct.


Here is a quote:


They have an ambitious aim of “educating the masses”. Should they not place the children front and centre of all they do and not an agenda to socially engineer society? There are a few quotes which are out and out propagandising their belief system. I would not approve of religious indoctrination to vulnerable kids and this is a much more sinister (and de-stablisiing” ideology to be pushing. Here are another couple of clips:

I can’t think of anything more de-humanising than the adoption of “it” for a pronoun. Indeed in the age of the misery memoir there was a popular one of the genre called “A child Called “It”. I would be seriously concerned if any child insisted on that as a pronoun. It cannot possibly reflect good self-esteem.

Kids in care are also being handed a powerful weopen to challenge the staff/foster parents charged with their care. More than once they are advised to contact the organisation if the foster parents, social workers or Doctors show any resistance to their demands. They provide a phone number so that the child can call their organisation direct if the Foster Carer’s fail to accept their “gender identity”.

Starkly they advise the child that the Foster parents are wrong and the child is given a phone number so the organisation can “put it right”. I can only imagine how intoxicating this power would be to a child, who may have felt pushed from pillar to post /disempowered by becoming a ward of state. To unequivocally assume these vulnerable children are able to make “adult” decisions about their “identity” and ensure that the foster carer knows they are under scrutiny by these organisations is creating a chilling effect.

In another quote the guidance seeks to conjure up the spectre of a police force at your door for using the wrong name, or even “mis-pronouncing” it! Use of a child’s previous name is referred to as “deadnaming” . I have seen similiar statements in school guidance. Sadly, as orwellian as this sounds, you can indeed be reported for a hate crime on similar spurious grounds. The offence is defined by the “victim” so if they say its a hate crime it has to be recorded as such.


In addition the guidance makes it clear that recruitment strategy should also seek to screen for “transphobic” foster carers and make sure prospective foster carers are on board with transgender ideology.


I do want to highlight the pro-medicalisation stance, for kids, of this guidance.  They make it clear that Foster Carers should facilitate access to trans groups for their charges. They provide information on how to make referrals to Gender Identity Clinics.  They also link to shops to buy “equipment” for kids to enable them to perform their gender identity. 

The guidance also includes a graph documenting referrals to GIDS over the preceding years.  If this does not make people sit up and notice I despair.  Look at the growth.  We are referring kids as young as 3.  This is not unconnected to the fact that we have let this propaganda be disemminated across our education, medical sectors, all amplified by a media which seems obsessed by “transgender tipping points”.. 


No guide would be complete without propaganda around the life of a trans person. Selling your wares via victimology is a strategic move when advocating for social justice issues.  It cannot help the mental health of young people who have determined their issues will be resolved by “transition”.  I cannot begin to understand why Samaritans are silent about the manipulation of suicide ideation to promote their cause. Below is a list of the fearmongering claims from lobby groups.  Treat all of this with the scepticism they deserve. 

Here is a quote from a young person used in the booklet.  The silence of the Samaritans is less suprising when you know they have been trained by GIRES (Trans lobby group). Their current CEO came from Girl Guiding and was in post when they agreed that self-identifed “women” could access shared spaces with female children.  I have also been sent confirmation about some of the activists delivering training to Samaritans.  That is for another blog. 


I find so much that is alarming in both the leaflet and the full document I could add many more clips to this piece.  I would recommend you download it and would be pleased to see twitter users doing their own threads highlighting other disturbing aspects of this guidance. 

Foster Care: Trans Guidance


Part 4 of my series on the over-representation of Looked After Children and Gender Identity Issues.


This post will look at some guidance provided for professionals working with children in Foster Care.

You can read the full document here:


The kit is aimed at Social Care Professionals. It is produced by an organisation called Three Circles Foster Care who are a private limited company. They are involved in the delivery of foster care services across the North West and in Yorkshire. They offer a range of services which include respite care, long and short term placements, pre-adoption placements and a service for unaccompanied minors.

They also offer services from a partner organisation, The National Teaching & Advisory Service which has a common director and offers courses for Foster Carers and Social Workers amongst others.

Here is a link to their website:

The guidance was produced in collaboration with the LGBT Foundation and advice was taken from Trans Activist and NHS employee, Tara Hewitt following a consultaion with The Proud Trust. For those of you unfamiliar with Tara below they are boasting, to Trans Lobby group, Mermaids, about safeguard referring children if the parents are deemed to be unsupportive of a “trans-identity”. The second clip is a newspaper article at the time that Tara was on the candidate list for the Conservative party. Tara has been quite open about their niche sexual interests: BDSM, Bondage, sado-masochism and pet play, which I believe is known as “Furry” fetish. Can’t think of a better person to be advising on an issue that comes under child safeguarding.

As well as The Proud Trust the acknowledgements also thank Susie Green, from Mermaids.

As you can see from the clip below the guidance is deeply wedded to Gender Identity Ideology. Gender, we are told, is assigned, it includes transgender, non-binary, no gender, gender questioning…but this is not an exhaustive list. As an aside, I notice that even groups entrenched in Transgender belief systems cannot keep up with the ever expanding “identities” under the Transgenda Umbrella. There is a nervous tone to the disclaimers that other identities exist.


Children in care /Looked after children are wards of the state for multiple reasons. These children are likely to be among the most vulnerable in our society. It is likely those without a background of trauma/abuse are in a tiny minority. I would go so far as to say that any child, no longer with their birth family, has some issues of “identity” to reckon with because of their background.

The director is Jacob Sibley. In his biography it is noted that he has links to the LGBT Foundation, who, in turn are partnered with the new Gender Identity Clinic (Indigo). The Indigo Clinic was set up in Manchester to provide an affirmative pathway for trans-identified folks. Indigo Clinic provide care for those 17 years and above; though its website says this is an initial client group which implies they wish to expand their services. I presume this means they wish to provide access to younger age groups. I will return to Indigo Clinic in a future post.


Three Circles also partner with charities and help support them. Here is one of those Charities. The Proud Trust.


You may have heard of The Proud Trust. They got into some public relations trouble through their controversion sex education. (You can do a search on “the dice game” + The Proud Trust should you wish to be exposed to this). This charity took money earmarked for women and girls yet seem entirely devoted to promoting gender ideology. I can highly recommend this post on The Proud Trust.

Educate Yourself!

The guidance for professionals dealing with “trans” youth has strong totalitarian overtones. Professionals are directed to educate themselves in Gender Identity Ideology and also propagate these beliefs. They make it clear that their aim is much broader than reaching professionals working with youth in care.

They also produce a leaflet which is even more direct about its “mission”. Full copy below:


Here is a quote:


They have an ambitious aim of “educating the masses”. Why does an organisation for foster children appear to have an agenda to socially engineer society? Below are a couple of quotes which are explicitly propagandising a belief system. I would not approve of the religious indoctrination of vulnerable kids and this, I argue, is a much more sinister (and de-stablising” ) ideology to be proselytising.

I can’t think of anything more de-humanising than the adoption of “it” for a pronoun. Indeed in the age of the misery memoir there was a popular one of the genre called “A child called “It” which detailed the abuse of a young boy whose mother labelled him “it”. I would be seriously concerned if any child insisted on “it” as a pronoun. It cannot possibly reflect good self-esteem.

At some point we have to examine the possiblity, rather than child-centred care, what we are witnessing a marketing campaign to embed an ideology.


Kids in care are also being handed a powerful weopen to challenge the staff/foster parents charged with their care. More than once children are urged to contact the organisation if foster parents, social workers or Doctors show any resistance to their demands. They provide a phone number so that the child can call their organisation direct if the Foster Carer’s fail to accept their “gender identity”.

Starkly they advise the child that the Foster parents are wrong and the child is given a phone number so the organisation can “put it right”. I can only imagine how intoxicating this power would be to a child, who may have felt pushed from pillar to post /disempowered by becoming a ward of state. The guidance unequivocally assumes these vulnerable children are able to make “adult” decisions about their “identity”. They also ensure foster carer knows they are under scrutiny by the organisation, their source of income, which is bound to create a chilling effect.

In another quote the guidance seeks to conjure up the spectre of a police force at your door for using the wrong name, or even “mis-pronouncing” it! Use of a child’s previous name is referred to as “deadnaming” . I have seen similiar statements in school guidance. Sadly, as orwellian as this sounds, you can indeed be reported for a hate crime on similar spurious grounds. The offence is defined by the “victim” so if they say its a hate crime it has to be recorded as such.


In addition the guidance makes it clear that recruitment strategy should also seek to screen for “transphobic” foster carers and make sure prospective employees are on board with transgender ideology.


I also want to highlight the pro-medicalisation stance, for kids, in this guidance.  They make it clear that Foster Carers should facilitate access to trans groups for their charges. They provide information on how to make referrals to Gender Identity Clinics.  They also link to shops to buy “equipment” for kids to enable them to perform their gender identity.  Equipment such as breast binders, prosthetics (breasts and penises) and a link to a shop where they can be purchased.  Gendered Intelligence are another trans lobby group. 

The guidance also includes a graph documenting referrals to GIDS over the preceding years.  If this does not make people sit up and notice I despair.  Look at the growth.  We are referring kids as young as 3! This is not unconnected to the fact that we have let this propaganda be disemminated across our education, medical sectors, all amplified by a media which seems obsessed by “transgender tipping points”.. 


No guide would be complete without propaganda around the life of a trans person. Selling your wares via victimology is a strategic move when advocating for social justice issues.  It cannot help the mental health of young people who have been persuaded their issues will be resolved by “transition”.  Below is a list of the fearmongering claims from lobby groups.  Treat all of this with the scepticism they deserve.  Most of them are self-reported incidents and via a self-selected group of transgender people. The use of  suicide is a particularly egregious tactic I have debunked one set of data in an earlier piece: Suicide in the Trans Community

Here is a quote from a young person used in the booklet.  The silence of the Samaritans is less suprising when you know they have been trained by GIRES (Trans lobby group). Their current CEO came from Girl Guiding and was in post when they agreed that self-identifed “women” could access shared spaces with female children.  I have also been sent confirmation about some of the activists delivering training to Samaritans.  That is for another blog. 


I find so much that is alarming in both the leaflet and the full document I could add many more clips to this piece.  I would recommend you download it and would be pleased to see twitter users doing their own threads highlighting other disturbing aspects of this guidance.  

I have had phone calls from Social Workers and Teachers concerned about this topic. I am also hearing from Canadian women that they fear this is disproportionately impacting on indigenous communities. I have no doubt I will be returning to this issue in future work. 

Any support is gratefully received.  Much of it gets recycled into funding legal cases, organisations helping expose the propaganda in respect of Transgender Identity Ideology.

Looked After Children & Gender Dysphoria 1


The first alarm bells rung for me when this court case was heard. Lancashire County Council tried to withdraw the case but the foster parents involved insisted it went ahead. The parents argued a public airing was the only way to to remove any slur on their reputation. I am grateful for their stance because it has allowed us to see the arguments played out in public.

Here is a link to the source for the legal judgement and a PDF copy.

Foster Parents and GIDS

Lancashire County Council v TP & Ors(Permission to Withdraw Care Proceedings) [2019] EWFC 30 (09 May 2019)

It’s a complex judgement involving multiple interested parties; hence the number of legal representatives. The concerns centre on two of the children, one biological and one fostered, though wider issues were raised about the other 3 foster children in the family. The case raises concerns in respect of medical diagnoses, hospital visits and the role of the parents. I will, however, only focus on the issue of Gender Dysphoria. The extract below gives a flavour of the concerns raised:


Notwithstanding the judgement, which found in the parents favour, some witnesses expressed concern about the precipitate nature of the social transition of the two male children. Identified only as H & R, one is a biological child and another a foster child. So, they  not biologically related. Already, by age 7, R is socially transitioned and has had a formal name change. H was socially transitioned at age 4.  The parents are confident  this is a permanent state of affairs. 👇


Furthermore, the court case reveals, the couple had an earlier foster placement who also had “Gender Identity” issues. The case notes that a number of the foster children had development or health issues. In the interests of balance it is important to remember these children had been removed from parental homes and suffered neglect / abuse prior to their arrival in this family setting.


One of the concerns was raised by an anonymous party who is described as a member of the extended family. The Local Authority received this referral which expressed concern about three members of the same family, presenting with Gender Dysphoria. Only two of the children remain in the care of this family and it is not clear whether the previous child had been treated, medically or otherwise, for their gender Identity issues.


It is also noted that contact had been made with the Tavistock (the U.Ks main Gender Identity Development Service) who had, in turn, referred them to Mermaids for additional support. Below are details of another case which sheds further light on the role of the judiciary in these complex cases.

The case of J (A Minor)

Mermaids is a UK charity who campaign on the issue of “transkids” and provide networking /support for parents and their children. It is worth noting that Mermaids also appeared in an earlier judgement, which they hotly contested. There were a number of similiarity in that case and the Judge, in that case made a series of criticisms about the parent, the Local Authority and the social workers involved in the case. In that case the mother lost custody of her male child. I include a transcript and some excerpts from that case below.

J (A Minor), Re [2016] EWHC 2430 (Fam) (21 October 2016)

Here is a sample of the judges criticisms in that case.  These concerns were not negligible.  Failure in safeguarding, naivety and professional arrogance. 👇 Damning! 

Below is an ipso ruling over a complaint, from Mermaids, about press coverage of the above case. This is also worth reading.

Mermaids v The Times

The Times made a number of points and one of them was based on a facebook post made by Mermaids. In the post they expressed outrage the judge was alleged to have ordered the parents to cease engagement with the charity. Below are two excerpts from the Ipso ruling. Not the clean bill of health they may have been hoping for…😳

Back to the Lancashire case. 

The court heard from a previous report, echoing that of Lisa North, who described the parents (CP & TP) as “highly manipulative people” and expressed concern that the Gender Identity issues were the result of the parent’s behaviour and part of a pattern of seeking medical diagnoses.


Ms Sayer, quoted below assigns more benign motivations to CP’s attitude to the Gender Dysphoria diagnosis. Nevertheless she expresses concern about how they could revert to their “assigned gender” after being socially transitioned.


The court next heard from an expert in the field of Gender Dysphoria. Dr Pasterski is one of a handful of experts who appear regularly in these court cases. One of the difficulties for the judicial system is a reliance on people who work in this field and, by definition, believe that Gender Identity is innate.

Dr Pasterski is familiar to me as she made an appearance in an earlier court case. This case was of a thrice married man, with seven children, and a conviction for obtaining explosives with intent to endanger life, who nevertheless manages to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate. (Remember this case when people argue how difficult it is to get legal recognition. In this case a single judge overturned the decision of the Gender Recognition Panel)

You can read about that case here: 👇

Ms Jay

Here is an excerpt, from the judicial transcript in the Ms Jay case, in which the Gender Recognition Panel cast doubt on the reliability of Dr Pasterski’s evidence. 


Dr Pasterski is introduced, in the Lancashire case, with an emphasis on her 23 years of experience as a chartered psychologist and a gender identity specialist. I imagine the judge placed great weight on her testimony.  Here Dr Pasterski rubbishes well established data on the number of children who desist from a trans-identity.  She does this  using the argument that anyone who desists from a trans identity was wrongly diagnosed. De-transitioners commonly face this argument.  Despite having an actual diagnosis of “Gender Dysphoria”, from the Tavistock, it is frequently argued Keira Bell was not really “transgender”.  The same people insist any diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria  is so reliable it can be used to justify early intervention.  Both these things cannot be true.  Dr Pasterski also dismisses the idea of extensive co-morbidities in this demographic. I wish the Judge had asked for evidence of this because it contradicts all the research I have undertaken. (Something I will cover later in this series, specifically in relation to Foster Children).


During the case we also learn the family fostered a child from June 2004 to 2007 and this child also had “gender identitiy issues”. We don’t discover if this child had persisted, or where they are now, or whether they left simply due to reaching age of majority.


Dr Pasterski refrains from commenting on the third child but dismisses concerns about the likelihood of their being two (which as we know was really three) children with a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria, in one family. Pasterski emphasises that the condition has a basis in neurological or biological functioning and claims she has seen multiple cases in one family. This is a claim which could have done with more interrogation. Firstly the evidence for a neurological or biological basis for an innate Gender Identity is by no means settled science. (There are numerous articles debunking this claim which I cover elsewhere on this blog but the common element seems to be the concept of neuroplasticity.) Secondly it seems important to note that these three children were not biologically related all they have in common is the environment in which they are being brought up.


So, what prompted the School to make a referral to Children’s Services? There were concerns of fabricated and induced illness in respect of four children in the care of CP and TP and a reported concern about a casual reference to “here’s another one for the Tavistock” by TP.


In the final analysis the judgement determined that the children should remain in the care of these foster parents. A successful defence was mounted in relation to the hospital visits. These, it was argued, could be attributed to hyper vigilance, especially because at least one child had pre-existing conditions. The other incidents were designated as not more than a normal rates of accidents. Gender Identity experts dismissed concerns about why there would be two ( in reality there were three) foster placements who developed Gender Identity Issues.

This court case has been covered many times before, hence I have not, previously, included it on my blog. I cover it now because it will form part one of a series on “Looked After Children”. I will be looking at research based on GIDs data. I will also look at British Columbia (Canada). I will also cover published guidance given to foster carers. Since I indicated I would be covering this, my in-box is filling up with useful research and first hand accounts. I am being sent replies indicating this is a problem in Brazil, Australia and the United States and that it is a particular issue in indigenous communities.

My content remains open and free but if you can support me it would be appreciated. Please only do so if you can afford and don’t choose me over legal cases if funds are in short supply when divvying up the #WomanTax.

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and its impact on Women and our Gay Youth. Support is always appreciated (I have no income) but I would be equally happy if you contributed to a relevant legal case, a crowdfunder for Lesbian and Gay News or Safe Schools Alliance
