Carol Steele: Trans Britain (Part 5)


Who is Carol Steele?

Steele is another trans-identified male who Burns includes in his book. Remember these are selected as positive ambassadors for the “trans” movement. Steele got some coverage in the Times because he trains the Devon constabulary.

Steele and the police

In the article it highlights that Steele had weighed in on a violent assault on a woman in her sixties by a man in his twenties. (In the same article it was revealed that “Kellie” Maloney had also trained Devonshire police despite being on the record about committing violence against his ex wife).

Steele’s biography offered the usual backstory about having always known he was meant to be a girl, formulated a plan to run away to Italy having read about “Castratos”, attempted suicide… and so on. I am sure I appear dismissive in this section but I have read so many of these narratives I am afraid they all appear to me to be retconned. By which I mean established retroactively to explain a current state. There’s always a claim of childhood onset to cover up any sexual motive. That could be autogynephilia or internalised homophobia /an attraction to straight men.

Not many of these men openly admit it began by masturbating into a female relative’s, often a mum/sister, underwear. Yet we know this is the origin story for many of these men. Burns makes a slight reference to man who cross-dress for relaxation/pleasure but omits the form this “pleasure” takes.

None of this is to say Steele followed this path. On face value he appears to a homosexual male who was subject to homophobic bullying and eventually this led to internalised homophobia and the repudiation of his sex/sexuality.

I am inclined to be sympathetic, perhaps overly so, for this group of men, for reasons that should be obvious. {As a mum of this type of man my judgment may well be clouded so you should bear this in mind}. Burns explicitly rejects this framing.

Here is another quote from Steele about discovering he was attracted to boys. We learn that Steele’s father took a very dim view about “transsexuals” but not whether he had a disease for homosexuals.

He also relates a tale of violent assault from a male partner on revealing his biological sex. He does not go into as much detail in Burn’s book but he is more elaborate on his own website.

Steele’s blog

Nobody deserves any form of violence but neither is it ethical to conceal something so fundamental about yourself.

Steele was employed by the chemical industry who funded his degree and PhD. When he began hormone treatment his employer, we are told, terminated his employment. This led to Steele relocating to Devon where, we are told, he lived in stealth (lied about his sex) and ran a hair salon and had a photography business, filming children.

Steele also set up a “trans” lobby group and boasts of having trained the police and NHS staff. The NHS are also listening to his charity on the issue of “transgender children”.


Steele also volunteers with the Samaritans and is also a member of the Independent Advisory Group for the police.

The Samaritans link is interesting because I did a bit of digging on the Samaritans; because of their failure to call out the egregious use of suicide threats by the “trans” lobby. You can read that piece here: 👇

Samaritans: It is time to talk

What I had not understood was how deep the links with the Samaritans go. Burns was involved with the Beaumont Society which also set up the Beaumont Trust. Apparently the trust was set up with the Samaritans as key members and they remain so to this day.

Beaumont Society

The Beaumont society was set up for heterosexual males who cross dressed. They explicitly excluded any homosexuals, so eventually Steele parted ways with the group. Burns explains this away as not being “anti-gay” but simply wanting to distance themselves because of the prevailing attitudes to homosexuality. Quite how cross-dressing men came to take over all the Gay Lobby groups is a PhD thesis in waiting.


Feeling unwelcome at the BS was what promoted Steele to set up their own support groups. Steele describes their time there as a “nightmare” which suggests the BS were really rather unfriendly to homosexuals.

This led to the birth of transfigurations. You can watch Steele talk about this in an interview done by the local health authority.

Carol Steele

Transfigurations has a twitter account which is not very active at the moment.

Trans Devon

A quick scan of the account shows Steele to be a defender of Mermaids, in general, and Susie Green in particular. He was very keen on “trans” children being able to access puberty blockers and also to get a Gender Recognition Certificate.

He also likes to attack “Terfs”. This was an article about a man who was trans-identified and took up a post at a women’s aid refuge.

He is particularly enraged about the work of Transgender Trend.

This is turning into quite a lengthy series but there is much more to cover. I will be back with part 6. If you can support my work here is one way to do so. Or considered a paid subscription to my substack. There are trans-identified men getting paid to write about this stuff but less opportunity for those of us who call a man a man.

My Substack

Researching the history and the present of the “transgender” movement and the harm it is wreaking on our society.
