British Psychological Society 2


For the purposes of this blog I am interested in how the British Psychological Society (BPS) came to draft the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) outlawing the practice of Conversion Therapy. I have revisited their pronouncements from 2012 to trace what led up to the BPS stance. First I looked at the summary document which doesn’t give much away. You can read this here: 👇

BPS Positions Statement on Therapies Attempting to Change Sexual Orientation (2013)

This document is dated  December 2012 and it’s title is reassuring.  Clear statement that the BPS is concerned with Sexual Orientation. No conflation of sexual orientation with Gender Identity. 


Indeed the short document is focussed almost entirely on opposing conversion (sometimes referred to, sinisterly, as “reparative”) therapies relating to sexual orientation. Only this one sentence references “Gender Identities”. 


If I had read only this position statement I would have assumed the BPS were still talking about Gay Conversion Therapy. If I was a stealth advocate of Gender Identity Ideology the above quote provides enough “plausible deniability” against accusations of duplicity. The authors can argue they referenced gender/identities in the summary document. Anyone not versed in Trans rhetoric, (who was in 2012?) would not have picked up the reference to “gender” and “identities” or the wider implications. I wonder how many BPS members read the full document to which they refer?

The authors allude to a 100 page guidance which sets out, in detail, the expected treatment guidelines that Therapists are expected to follow. If you didn’t go on to read this document you would be unaware of what you were actually signing up to…

I will cover the above document, in detail, in my next blog. First I want to have a look at the people, publicly, involved in producing the BPS position statement. If I have learned anything, from my deep dives into Transgender Ideology, it is that the same names recur. It is chilling because a tiny minority of activists have managed an astonishing level of cognitive and legal/policy capture.

Here are the named contributors to the BPS position statement.

Dr Lyndsey Moon (Chair)

Here is a profile of Dr Moon which makes it clear their interest in Queer Theory pre-dates this position statement by many years.

Here Dr Lydsey is referenced in relation to a meeting with the Government Equality Office, in July 2019. Note their attendance was by invitation of the GEO.

Below is the website which details the meeting with the GEO and also introduces another group : Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility (PCSR). Well worth reading this because they report that they felt “heard” and clearly have on-going contact with senior figures within the Government Equality Office.

The link above also provides full details of the LGBT Advisory Panel to the GEO. Note the name of Dr Michael Brady LGBT advisor. The panel of LGBT advisors which includes Ruth Hunt (then CEO of Stonewall), Paul Dillane of the Kaleidescope Trust and Paul Martin of Consortium. This LGBT panel was expanded in membership later and included James Morton of Scottish Trans Alliance. The LGBT Advisory panel, to the GEO, is also crying out for a full analysis of it’s compositon and its activities.

By August 2020 Dr Moon appears to have a multiple identity as Dr Igi/Lyndsey Moon. Here she/he/they (who knows?) speaks fluent Gender Identity speak encompassing the gender fluid, the non-binary and their right to equal treatment (fair enough). The group also campaign for these identited to be protected from “conversion” therapy. Most people are aware of the shameful history of Conversion attempts of homosexuals. The literature on conversion attempts of the “Gender Fluid” and “non-binary” community is something with which I am much less familiar.

Dr Moon is also now the chair of this organisation to campaign against conversion therapy:

Dr H. Eli Joubert

Dr Joubert is another author who works in the field of Gender Dysphoria/Transsexualism.  He provides diagnostic services to enable access to HRT (cross sex hormones) and surgeries. He also provides documentation to support applications for a Gender Recognition Certificate.  He has also worked with Transgender prisoners. He is deeply entrenched in the Gender Medico-Industrial Complex. 


Dr Claudio Pestano 

Dr Pestano works in the field of Gender Dysphoria though his main focus seems to be  Aspergers/Autism. 4A3B294D-1CF1-49ED-891B-A497D9FA6613

Estimates of the percentage of referrals to Gender Identity Clinics, with a diagnosis of Autism are up to 30%.  Females with autism are less likely to have a diagnosis so the prevalence of diagnosed females, in Gender Identity Referrals, should raise alarm bells.   Dr Postano may very well be aware of this and his therapy may be perfectly appropriate.  I would, however, like to see more experts on autism raising some concern about why so many autistic kids are identifying as “transgender”. 

Dr Joanna Semlyen

You can watch Dr Joanna Semlyen and Dr Moon speaking to parliament on LBGT mental health in May 2019.  In it you will find references to Bridging hormones which is the practice of providing cross-sex hormones to those on the waiting list for Gender Identity Clinics.  Lots of references to hetero-normative, different identities, non-binary, gender fluid etc.  Dr Semlyen makes a plea for the inclusion of gender identity and sexual orientation in databases to make LGBTQ+ people feel confident in  their acceptance.  It’s not clear if Dr Semlyen advocates for sex to be replaced with “gender identity” but we now know this is already happening. The other panel member says acceptance is not enough.  People with different identities should not be simply accepted they should be celebrated.  One of the contributors is quoted saying the following: LGBTQ identities should be very highly valued, not just equal, not just part of the mainstream, but much more valued”.  It’s almost as if they have no concerns that they may be fuelling a backlash against the communities they purport to serve. 


You can watch this session below and read the full transcript of the evidence. All via Hansard. 

Oral Evidence

Or read the transcript Oral evidence – Health and social care and LGBT communities – 15 May 2019

Notice that Sarah Champion makes every effort to make sure the topic of trans suicides comes up.  Suicide Ideation / attempts crops up frequently in this “debate” using statistics which have been debunked many times. I mention this because Sarah Champion has been challenged , my myself and others, due to  her use of suicide statistics which inflate the risk to transgender teens.  I wish politicians would do some due diligence and pay attention to Samaritan’s guidance on responsible coverage of suicide risk.  I cover this here: Suicide in the Trans Community

Gay/Gender Identity:  Conversion Therapy  

Most people will, instinctively, wish to see Gay Conversion Therapy banned. Lobby groups know this so they are using stealth tactics to bolt on “Gender Identity ” to a popular cause. As I have argued, consistently, this legitimises the new Woke Gay Conversion Therapy. Activists argue that failing to adhere to sex stereotypes may mean you are born in the wrong body. Non-adherence to sex stereotypes is common, especially in Gay males and Lesbians. One from the rise outcome of Gender Identity Ideology is Lesbians and Gay males are, once again, hearing “born wrong” narratives dressed up in a rainbow costume.

This forced teaming, of the T ,with the LGB, has proved a disaster for homosexuals. in so many ways. Gender Identity Ideology threatens to undo the many victories of Gay Right’s activists In The Denton’s Document, Lobbyists for Gender Identity legislation are encouraged to latch onto popular legislation to sneak in further entrenchment of Gender Identity Ideology. Gay Conversion Therapy bans, which include “gender identity“, are no exception. I will link my piece on the Denton’s document here, Everybody should read it, 👇

That Denton’s Document

In this blog I am simply looking at the BPS position statement. I will follow this up with the a look at detailed guidance to which we are signposted. It is over 100 pages long in this edition and this article gives you a good idea of the kind of content you can look forward to from the BPS……

To avoid transmission of the POMO virus please wear a Mask?

British Psychological Society 1

For the purposes of this blog I am interested in how the British Psychological Society (BPS) came to draft this Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) outlawing the practice of Conversion Therapy. I imagine most people will, instinctively, see this as an unmitigated good but beware. As I have written in my blog below stealth tactics are in play. This is not just about Gay Conversion Therapy. it also includes “Gender Identity” which makes it a very different proposition. This is a tactic. See my post on The Activist’s play book below:

That Denton’s Document

Activists are encouraged to latch onto popular legislation to sneak in further entrenchment of Gender Identity Ideology. Gay Conversion Therapy bans, which include “gender identity“, are no exception.

Here I am simply looking at the MOU but I will follow up with blog on the BPS guidelines, referenced in this document. 👇


First up a definition  👇 as provided, in the MOU, which you can read below

For regular readers you will know my concern is “affirming” a Gender Identity, at odds with your biological sex, may very well be a form of Gay Conversion Therapy. I cover this below.

The Woke Gay Conversion Therapy?

The BPS sets out its stance in this document. Sexual orientation is defined such that anyone whose “Gender Identity” is at odds with their biological sex is not excluded from the target of their sexual orientation. It paves the way for male lesbians and female gay men. It also includes asexual as a sexual orientation which is starting to become more prevalent in communications from the likes of Stonewall U.K. (For overseas readers Stonewall is a UK organisation which, historically, fought for Gay rights). The BPS also have signed up to the belief that sex isn’t binary despite the fact that we are a sexually dimorphic species. Sigh!


Next, clip below,  BPS members are told they   are not allowed to favour any Gender Identity over another.  The language is obfuscatory.  The BPS doesn’t support therapeutic approaches to reconcile  a child /youth to a Gender Identity that aligns with their biological sex.The BPS effectively supports only a Gender Identity at odds with biological sex.  How else will they disrupt the Gender Binary and queer social norms?  Queering society turns out to have meant straightening the Gays. Who knew?

It is my, unashamed, preference that my son reconciles to his sex and sexuality. In an ideal world our offspring will live a full life, in their sexed body, with whichever sex forms the basis of their attraction. This means they won’t depend on cross sex hormones, for the rest of their life, or face unnecessary surgical procedures.  This is the ideal outcoe and this should not be a controversial statement.  What other area would parents be called bigots for wanting their offspring to reconcile to a healthy body as a first line of “treatment”?   Or to be comfortable with their same sex orientation?  We are living in the upside down. 

Notice the quote, below, also includes the sentence includes both “Gender identity” and “Gender Expression”.  I have yet to see a satisfactory, definition that explains why these terms are deemed to describe distinct phenomenon. 



The MOU does state that it is permissible to access therapy to reconcile conflict about your sexuality, or gender. The question is how is this possible if therapists are too afraid to explore it?  This doesn’t square with the idea it is harmful to seek the path of least medicalisation. Being gay doesn’t set you on a lifelong dependence on #BigPharma it also doesn’t mean you are born wrong, and definitely not in the wrong body. The exemptions the BPS do emphatise, below,   are in respect of  exploratory work to enable “trans” patients to access hormones or other medical treatments.  Why no similiar exemption for patients who may be having trouble accepting their homosexuality?


Next up I will look at the guidelines quoted below.  I have had a sneak preview of the latest ones and an earlier guide  from 2012.  In 2012 the summary guidance is scant on details. However both the 2012 guidance and the 2017 (updated 2019) are clearly driven by  the involvement of prominent Trans Activists / proponents of Queer Theory.  It appears to have taken less than a decade for the BPS to go full Gender Identity ideology compliant.   The details of the guidance will be on my next blog which lists the many familiar names who have corrupted the BPS. 


Here are a list of the signatories. I will just pick out a few.  Jay Stewart, from Gendered Intelligence jumped out: A keen proponents of Queer Theory /Gender Identity Ideology.  Gendered Intelligence are infamous for producing a guide to trans sex, for youth,  which contained this gem. 


I could have sworn it was Gendered Intelligence which produced a guide, to terminology,  which claimed “vagina” for “transwomen”and relegated women’s vaginas to “front holes”.   I couldn’t find that clip but if anyone has it let me know and I will add it. 

The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherpy (BACP) also signed. The BACP regulate University courses in this area so Universities have to comply or they won’t have their courses accredited. The BACP  also published a document which seemed to have difficulty including working class women, from the North of England, in their definition of a female gender identity.  For more on this  look at the #TransNorthern on twitter.  We women, of the North, had a lot of fun with that one. 

More worryingly, one of the signatories was the Medical director of NHS England. .


And here are the final signatures together with their supporters and it includes union members and the Royal College of Genderal oops General Practitioners.  FFF029EC-E9AF-4FA2-907A-8C4386A1CE56

Finally our old friends Stonewall. 👆.


Has there ever beeen an organisation that has trashed its reputation more thoroughly, in less than a decade, than Stonewall UK?

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and its impact on Women and our Gay Youth. Support is always appreciated (I have no income). All my content is open access so if you can’t speak publicly, and want to support those who can, only IF you have spare cash, this helps me keep going.


Queering the NSPCC? Part Three: Coming Out Stories

Lesbian Erasure?

ChildLine : Coming Out Stories


In the third of my posts on the NSPCC, child protection charity, I looked at Coming Out Stories, involving three females and one male.  Callum is a gay male. One of the females identifies as assexual , one bisexual and , despite watching this, and transcribing it, I still don’t know what the final girl identifies as. 😳. This is a video about coming out and , as far as I can tell, Maja didn’t actually come out as anything!  What was noticeable was, out of the three females, not one came out as Lesbian. 

Here is a link to the youtube

Here is a transcript: ChildLine Coming Out stories Transcription

First question is directed at Calum. He is given, by far, the most air time in this piece. He was aware of his sexuality at a young age and began talking about it, age 8. He soon realised his class mates were not receptive and retreated back into the closet until his early teens. When he did come out, to his parents, they had a hard time accepting it. Calum is thoughtful about his parents attitude and offers a generous interpretation of his parents attitude Whether or not his assessment is overly kind they did get over their misgivings and, thankfully, all is resolved with his family.

Next up is Amelia. Amelia is assexual. She explains that she didn’t realise this until other teenagers started talking about sex. At first, she claims, she thought they were just talking about sex because adults and people on the television were talking about it. When the penny dropped that they actually wanted to have sex she realised her identity. There’s a lot of giggling at this revelation. I am sceptical whether a teenage girl could be so naive about sexual desire but ,as they say, this is her, self-proclaimed, “lived experience”.


Next up is Jenny. She came out as bisexual by casually dropping it into conversation with friends and family. The response, she says is basically “cool”. Only later, when the interviewer, Declan, probed for more negative reactions does she reveal less positive reception. Not abuse, just querying her claim to be a bisexual, whilst in a relationship with a heterosexual male. There’s a bit of baffled incomprehension that people can be so ignorant and Jenny, cue laughter, explains


Next up is Maja. Her experience was that her family never assumed she was straight so she never really needed to come out. If you watch the whole thing you will find that she never actually comes out, in this video, either.


The really positive thing about this video is that all seem to have had relatively easy times coming out (or not) to friends and family. Coming out, as not being into sex p, is a new one for sexual orientations. I suspect most parents would be sanguine about an assexual teenage daughter. It’s unlikely to be high on a list of fears for their daughters, Most of us likely expect a change of heart but that’s another matter.

Another notable feature of the interview is the need to elicit reports of negative reaction. Amelia, the assexual, does urge caution in coming out, in case of abuse or enforced homelessness. I don’t dismiss the vulnerability of sexual minorities to parental rejection, particularly those from some religious homes. I am not sure, however, there are any faiths which would cast you out for being assexual. However I remain concerned that the same may not be true for homosexual teens. Amelias listed the groups vulnerable to prejudice, when coming out, and included trans but didn’t reference Lesbians. Is it only Lesbian love which is the love that dare not speak its name?

Sexual Fluidity.

Maja proffers. another explanation for the lack of an explicit coming out. #SexualFluidity. This is a new narrative, which conforms to Gender Identity Ideology, that sexual orientation is not fixed. On one level letting young women have time to embrace their sexuality seems uncontentious but it does sit uneasily when Lesbians and, to a lesser extent, gay males are being told their, exclusive, Genital preferences are prejudiced and can be overcome. E72A1969-8727-451D-BB81-0FF417CB79B5

This interpretation of sexual orientation is further elaborated by Calum who shares a tale which also claims sexual orientation is not fixed. There is debate about the origins of sexuality , nature v nurture etc. However Gay Rights Activists gained protected status on the basis their sexual orientation was not simply a (lifestyle) choice. 👇


Overall I am left with more than a vague unease that no Lesbians figure in these coming out stories. There also seems to be a worrying lack of confidence to claim an incontrovertible same sex orientation.

Stop Press 

Further to publishing this article I have been informed that the Calum, featured here, is a YouTuber in his own account. Notorious for faking this homophobic attack covered in this article

He was subsequently discovered to have made a false allegation

I also had a look at his YouTube account and found some more interesting content

Calum apologises for associating Men with Penises and Woman with Vaginas. He warns his audience that if you express disgust at vaginas you never know if the Gay Man next to you has a vagina. He further assures his audience that he would include them in his dating pool.


.He also weighed in on the recent, manufactured, controversy after JK Rowling stated some basic facts about biology and same sex attraction.


We need a new Gay Liberation Front. One unashamed to defend same sex orientation. Hence LGB Alliance.
