Claire Prosho


Hate Crime/ Non Hate Crime Incidents

I came across Prosho via a talk that he gave, to Essex Police, for whom he provides advice on hate crime. He does this in his capacity as Vice Chair, of the Thurrock Police, Independent Advisory Group. Here is a quote from that talk which was the impetus for me having a more in-depth look. (Thanks to twitter user @Jonnywsbell) In essence Prosho incited the police to treat women, who are fighting for sex based rights, as akin to terrorists. This is quite a serious claim.

You can watch that talk here.👇

Police Talk

In this talk, Prosho outlines the extent of hate crime, against trans people, claiming it is at record levels but also claiming it is under reported because “trans” people are afraid they will be dismissed. It is not clear whether he is actually talking about Hate Crime or None hate crime incidents. Hate crime involves an actual criminal offence deemed to be aggravated by the motivation for the offence; specifically if the crime is because of the monitored strands of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability and transgender identity. None hate crime incidents are not criminal offences but can nevertheless be recorded on your record. There is no strand that covers misogyny, so crimes motivated by the fact that you are a woman are not monitored.

Prosho is an expert in victimology. The many problems with so called non hate crime incidents is that it relies on the perception of the person, preemptively designated a “victim”. This can result in having a “non hate crime incident” (NHCI) recorded against you, without your knowledge, and with no chance to refute the allegation. It is extremely problematic to accept the subjective assessment of a man, who identifies as a woman, and may regard it as “hate” when a woman calls him a man. Notably the legally protected characteristic of sex is not included so women have no recourse, despite women being the sex who is murdered, at the hands of men, at a rate of three a week. “Transgender Identity” is included despite this not being a legally protected characteristic (Equality Act 2010).

There is also the opportunity to game the system as this exchange with trans activist, James Morton, shows.

Prosho uses his speech to criticise MPs, including the Prime Minister, for stoking hate against “trans” people. He also strongly criticised the police force, in general. I find it astonishing that the police sit meekly as this man exhibits attitudes all the hallmarks of ideological extremism.

Backstory: Fifty Shades of Gender.

Prosho is a late transitioning male who is a married, heterosexual, father with a history of cross dressing. In old money he was a transvestic fetishist. Indeed he admits to his life as a part time cross dresser and claims he struggled with the shame of believing he was a cross dresser and a fetishist. Now he can unburden himself of the shame by adopting the persona of a “transwoman”. He reveals this in the podcast below👇.

Fifty Shades of Gender

In what is a rather common narrative he claims that he knew he was different, from the age of ten, and he discovered that sex change was a possibility when he discovered Caroline Cossey (a man who passed as a beautiful bond girl). As he grew up he began part time, cross dressing and continued after he married with, he says, his wife’s full permission. He claims his wife took him on weekends where he could dress up and took photos of him which, when he could finally look at them, gave him a sense of euphoria. Again gender euphoria is a familiar term from these late transitioning men who share a common narrative with autogynephiles. (Autogynephiles are Men who are erotically charged by the idea of themselves as women)

He describes how he was an early adopter of digital technology, having been into video games as far back as the eighties. He also had some early experience with computer programming. A background in typically male pursuits, specifically computing, is a common thread in the narratives of these men who often have a hyper masculine history.

He describes how, after only two weeks on hormones, his bra straps began slipping because his shoulders had shrunk! He also describes how, after taking synthetic female hormones, he began to enjoy cross stitch, romantic films, housework and cooking. He claims he was very much accepted by his wife’s, female, friends and enjoyed being dragged onto the dance floor; something he would never have contemplated “as a man”. This account is reminiscent of the accounts I have read of behavioural autogynephilia.

Unsurprisingly there are some inconsistencies in his story. He claims that the hormones changed his behaviour dramatically, to be more feminine, but later, when he talks about his mother, he claims she treated him like a daughter and he helped with housework and he even helped choose clothes for her.

Unbelievably he genuinely seems to believe that, despite retailing in the most regressive, sexist, stereotypes, he is causing cisgender people to be fearful because of how easy he can adapt to the ways of womanhood and that he is actively undermining gender stereotypes.

At the end he claims common cause with women who are childless because of ovarian cancer because he feels the same grief, despite being a father, because he never had the experience of carrying and birthing a child. This a grotesque appropriation of a uniquely female experience, of this he seems to have a vague awareness but he nevertheless continues

The Ted Ex Talk

You can watch Prosho’s talk here: 👇

Prosho’s Ted Talk

Prosho claims that, on meeting him for the first time, most people comment on how natural he looks, before claiming that people are suprised because they have been fed a diet of anti-trans propaganda, by a biased media. This is one of his slides.

He instructs his audience to disregard everything they hear about “trans” people and then recommends the discredited charities Stonewall, LGBT Foundation and Mermaids.

Naturally he characterises the media coverage as misinformation, promoted by bad faith. right wing, actors with the intent to eliminate “transgender” people.

He describes some of the incidents that have nearly driven him to suicide. Being denied the correct pronoun and being sent to the men’s section at the opticians are the examples. I am surprised he survived these hate crimes. ( To state the obvious, glasses are different for males and females simply because men have larger heads and a different bone structure. 🤷‍♀️)

Aside from the usual dodgy statistics about suicide attempts in this “community” he also makes this claim which seems highly dubious and essentially unverifiable 👇

If you want to take in the full extent of his hyperbole the Ted Talk is a good place to start. It is the usual lies and half truths.

Transclusive Podcast: On the EHRC

This episode covers an investigation by Claire Prosho into the Equality & Human Rights Commission, based in the U.K. A 60 page document was written and submitted to GANHRI (Global Alliance of Human rights organisations) try to derail the re accreditation of the EHRC. Jane Fae is also involved in this podcast as are two others called Victoria Hodges and Violette Lundsden.

You can read more about Jane Fae below.

Jane Fae: Trans Britain (Part 13)

You can find Hodges, in Pink News, objecting to the idea that penis bearing males can’t use the single sex changing facilities.

Lundsden can be found raising funds for a boob job and sharing annoyance that breast cancer victims can get this surgery on the NHS.

The document and the discussion designates a number of women’s rights organisation as “trans hostile” and speculates that there may be Russian money behind this backlash. They seem to be very angry that the EHRC is (finally) allowing organisations like Fairplay For Women, Sex Matters, LGB Alliance, Women’s Place U.K. and Transgender Trend to be involved in discussions that impact women’s sex based rights. Bearing in mind Stonewall and other trans lobby group seemingly had unfettered access to the EHRC, until recently, while women’s groups were excluded.

They also delve into the the background of some of the EHRC employees and draw conclusions based on the legal cases they have been involved in. The commentators seem desperate to suggest that these women’s rights organisations are in danger of turning women’s rights back decades, in particular they imply that these groups are opposed to women’s reproductive freedom. They also characterise submissions from these groups, oh the irony, as chock full of misinformation and hyperbole. Many individuals are named in the document and attempts made to discredit them.

You can read the document here. 👇.

Steph’s Place EHRC GANHRI Submission.pdf – Google Drive

Reading the document the complaints from the trans lobby groups are the mirror image of gender critical complaints from 5 years ago: such as lack of media coverage and women’s rights groups being excluded from discussions on issues that impact women. Rather amusingly they seem pathetically grateful for ex BBC journalist Ben Hunte who now works for Vice. In a moment of candour Prosho admits that they did need help before they went public with the document as required some pruning if they were not to be hit by defamation charges.

This is the link to the podcast discussion you can also find it on YouTube. I highly recommend listening to this podcast to get an insight into the paranoia and conspiracy theories espoused by the contributors. I particularly enjoyed Jane Fae attacking free speech which is quite a turn up for the books from a defender of extreme porn. The reason for this volte face is that he does not support the right to express the belief that a man is not a woman.

EHRC Prosho, Jane Fae, Violet and Victoria Hodges

Social Media Presence /Business/Translucent

Prosho has a You Tube account called after his social enterprise Claire’s Transgender Talks. This is not listed at Companies House or the Charity Commission. He has a website which provides testimonials from organisations who he has trained. Worryingly this includes those involved in fostering and domestic abuse.

Prosho is also involved in an organisation called Translucent, formerly Steph’s Place. along with another transidentified man called Steph Richards. Prosho’s duties appear to be the discrediting of the EHRC (Equality and Human Rights Commission), the Cass Review and the NHS.

Richards is listed as a CEO and Prosho a director, on e website but this is not reflected in the Companies House records which list one Translucent Community CIC which had Richards as a director but received a notice for compulsorily strike off, in January 2024.. A new entity, with the same name, was formed which lists Feminist Gender Collective as the sole director and this company can be traced back to Sally Hines.

You can visit Prosho on twitter at the following address, though you may be, as I am, blocked.

I had a browse though and he does indeed attack the Cass Review and he seems quite exercised by one JK Rowling. As an aside he did mention that he would love to be writing a novel but he is forced to spend his time fighting transphobia.

Prosho took part in a protest outside the offices of the EHRC which you can find on his youtube. He also recieved a diversity award, in 2022, where he can be find hugging, Freda Wallace, another trans activist. Small world.

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Prosho’s Ted Ex talk

Researching the history and the present of the “transgender” movement and the harm it is wreaking on our society.
