Saorsa-Amatheia Tweedale

This man works for the Dept of work and pensions, in Bradford, and is their National Trans Ambassador.

He first came to my attention after coverage of an outrageous motion he tabled at the conference for the PCS, the union for public sector workers. Here’s a flavour:

In fairness, I should point out, as a formerly active trade unionist myself, many motions are tabled which are not likely to have full backing from other members and often focus on “niche” issues. The motion didn’t even reach the debate stage. Interestingly this is a clip from the latest rule book I can find, from 2019. The danger in passing such a motion is that gender critical women could be at risk of expulsion. Since the Union President is married to Ruth Serworka, one of the founders of Women’s Place U.K. I doubt this attitude is widely shared. I would also argue that this is an attack on sex based rights putting Tweedale at odds with the stated aims of the union.

So, leaving Union politics aside, I had a look to find out more about Tweedale, since he is from my neck of the woods.

MIND: Mental Health Charity.

First thing I cam across was this youtube. Notice only the women have pronouns in their bio.

The facilitator, Alison Lowe, is now deputy to the West Yorkshire mayor. She has cropped up on my blog before hosting another trans identified male who works for the civil service. You can read that here:

Steph Calvert. (Part Two)

She also publicly denounced the gay rights charity LGB Alliance.

His first contribution is to correct the host for an insufficiently grandiose introduction. This is a bit of a theme. He continues to outline his role and links with Universities, NHS Trusts and teaching bodies; advising them on trans inclusion policies.

He continues by outlining all the ways that trans people suffer, preced by a trigger warning, and reads off some stats from a TUC report on LGBT members. This data claims that sexual assault rates for Lesbians, in the workplace, are 21%, for gay men it’s 12% but for “trans” women it’s 32%. /

I am cynical about these statistics, which are self reported, because, firstly, emphasising a victim narrative has been used to drive the “trans” agenda. Secondly there are multiple examples of trans identified males fetishising women as victims and using this experience to validate themselves as “women”. This is a quote from a thesis by a trans identified male who wrote about how BDSM cemented his identity as a “woman”. This is how he viewed an alleged sexual assault doing a BDSM session with a stranger.

Next he covers reports of bullying, harassment and violent assaults. Again, for similar reasons, I am skeptical of these accounts. He proceeds to uses the, discredited, data about suicide. I have done a series debunking the suicide stats which you can find on my site.

Finally on hate crime. The prevalence of hate crime, often conflated with data on non-crime incidents’ is another tool of trans activists so, again, should be treated with skepticism. Here is James Morton, from Scottish Trans Alliance, urging people to report because we “need the stats”. (Note: we don’t collect hate crime data on misogyny).

He is critical of employers for not having trans-inclusive policies or, if they do, not putting them into practice. He would like to see more gender neutral, a.k.a mixed sex, facilities, more pronouns used, even though he isn’t using them in this space, He breaks off to describe the psychological trauma that he experiences when he is misgendered over the phone. (Not face to face?). He also wants employers to make it easier for men to hide their biological sex. All of these things disproportionately, and negatively, impact the female sex. Women are expected to sacrifice their privacy, dignity and even safety to validate men, as women. Moreover so few pass that it introduces an element of coercive control into the workplace.

His segment is from 7:40 to 16:08. We will see him again at the Q & A. Below is the link:

Building in psychological safety

Alison Lowe throws in a bit about not having white privilege and something about employers gas lighting her when she finds something “racist” and her employer doesn’t agree.

Then Saorsa gets an excellent question from the floor.

This is an opportunity for Saorsa to force team the LGB. He begins by emphasising that the LGBT+ is one big community and unity is very important. Like the LGB, the T, has to “come out” often multiple times. Trans women are smeared as predators is women’s “safe” (Doesn’t say single sex) spaces and labelled as paedophiles just like gay men were. He then claims the women’s movement support the trans movement and tells a blatant lie about how “trans” people have been picketing alongside women since the inception of feminism. Well that’s not true.

“Trans” people are focussed on their gender identity but they still have a sexuality and gay people also have a gender identity so this is his justification for the forced teaming of heterosexual men , many with a sexual fetish, with gay rights. In fact he gave a three hour seminar on this topic at Bradford University.

We will meet Saorsa again to cover another interview and also a Bradford Charity he was involved in and to follow the money trail.

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Researching the history and the present of the “transgender” movement and the harm it is wreaking on our society.


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