Dr Ann Lawrence: Interview


To finish of this series I decided to listen to the interview with Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayad for the Gender: A wider Lens series. It is undoubtedly a coup to be granted a rare interview with Dr Ann Lawrence. You can listen here:

Dr Ann Lawrence interview

For those of you unfamiliar with the series, Lawrence identifies as a Male ”Transsexual” and is open about his motivation to ”transition”; namely Autogynephilia, a sexual paraphilia. Definition below.

O’Malley is a psychotherapists and Ayad is a Licenced adolescent therapist both deal with young, clients who present with Gender Dysphoria. Needless to say I am not privvy to their client list but it seems reasonable to suppose some of their clients must appear to fall into the AGP category. I have seen at least one YouTuber describing his sexual motivation to identify as female even though it is usually a paraphilia associated with older males. We, perhaps, have the near ubiquity of porn to thank for this phenomenon.

Lawrence writes a lot about adult, AGP males and their tendency to reconstruct their childhood memories to deemphasise the sexual motivations for their ”transition” so I always listen with a degree of skepticism about AGP narratives. Lawrence is a controversial figure among what is called the “Trans” community for being willing to acknowledge autogynephilia. This probably makes him more honest than most but very early in the interview he makes a claim that even children can present with autogynephilia. I am immediately uncomfortable with this framing. I will become more uncomfortable when he talks about documented cases, in sexology literature, of penile erections in toddlers when allowed to play with female clothing. I have not located these sources but I am immediately concerned about the veracity of these claims or, if the research exists, the ethics of any research into the erections of three year olds. One of the central tenets of queer theory involves the rejection of social norms and many activists seem to get a perverse kick in exploring the darker side of human impulses, paedophilia and zoophilia being two.

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Asked about this phenomenon it is clear that Lawrence has not encountered the work of Lisa Littman who coined the term (ROGD). On the one hand Lawrence says his own parents would have seen his case as Rapid Onset gender Dysphoria but he is also keen that his work is out there so AGP males have an explanation of their ”condition”. On social contagion he concedes that it is very difficult to be female in this society so, in the age of the internet, rising numbers of females in flight from their sex don’t surprise him. I wonder if Lawrence is self-aware enough to know that one of the difficulties women and girls face is the hyper-sexualisation of of our bodies. Autogynephilic men are literally projecting their sexist notions of what makes a woman onto their own bodies but also, by extension onto the bodies of all women. They associate being female with feeling sexually aroused which is inherently sexist. I don’t think Lawrence understands his role in the discomfort girls feel about their bodies once puberty hits, he laments the fact that women and girls are disrespected by broader society but lacks self-awareness of his own contribution to the treatment of women.

On the role of the internet Lawrence says had he had access to the internet he would likely have ”transitioned” earlier. As it was he left it till he was in his forties, at the time of the interview he was 71.

Narcissistic Rage

Lawrence is good in this segment as he talks about how many AGP males deal with their shame by projecting anger and exhibit entitlement with a lack of empathy. I covered his paper on this topic earlier in the series: 👇

Autogynephilia & Narcissistic Rage


Asked about transwidows, Lawrence expresses sympathy for both wives and children of ”transitioned” fathers. Lawrence says entering a marriage with severe autogynephilia to be cautious about entering marriage, especially if they are embarking on marriage as a ”cure”; especially if your erotic urges are entirely self-directed. Stella brings up the stories of AGP husbands who are abusive. Lawrence does not really address the abuse but concedes it can be very harmful to have an AGP family member.

Final thoughts.

Lawrence ends with his thoughts on teenage males who exhibit autogynephilia. He imagines a past where he would have had himself castrated to avoid any masculinisation. He makes the case for AGP as a sexual orientation which is immutable. He believes there are intelligent boys who know their own mind at thirteen or fourteen and these boys should be allowed to obtain medical intervention. As an aside he references the practice of castrating boys to create singers with a better voice range (Castratos). He is mainly concerned about better cosmetic outcomes.

He finishes with a debt of acknowledgement to Ray Blanchard.

I doubt Lawrence would have agreed to a more challenging interview format and the fact that Stella and Sasha are both therapists, and possibly also because they are female, may have prompted Lawrence to agree to speak. Any attempt to legitimise autogynephilia as a sexual orientation should, in my view, be fiercely resisted. Similarly agreeing medical intervention at 13 or 14 for any male is a dangerous suggestion. Lawrence focuses on the ability of the adult male to better pass and suggests there is a route back for males who take this path. Naturally occurring sex hormones play a pivotal role in pubertal development; which continues up to age 25. Blocking puberty does not just stop the developing of genitalia but also has an impact on brain development which is poorly understood. Lawrence is projecting his own, adult, wish fulfilment onto adolescent boys.

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Researching gender identity ideology and it’s impact on women’s rights as well as the impact on gay rights.


Men trapped in women’s bodies 4


Part four on the book written by Dr Ann Lawrence, a self-proclaimed, autogynephilic “transsexual” male. Lawrence felt there were too few reliable narratives about autogynephilia and set about reaching out to men, with this condition, via his web-site. In the previous section Lawrence repeatedly warns AGP men are often unreliable narrators. He believes the stories he was told were more accurate because they were talking to a fellow sufferer and because he knew how to screen out obvious fake narratives. He was particularly prone to believe accounts which did not follow the script and had not been sanitised for public consumption.


Lawrence provided his subjects with the opportunity to contact him anonymously. He received 229 testimonials which met the criteria for inclusion as follows: They were required to meet at least two of the following.


I don’t thinks we can 100% believe the narratives we are told but the more shaming admissions may be accorded some validity. Lawrence calls this ”reluctant testimony”. Some of the men express relief about finally having somewhere to be honest about their proclivities even though more than one was horrified to be engaging in acts they called ”perverted”. Sadly, one effect of meeting up, even virtually, with other AGP men seems to be normalising the idea of women as pornographic muses for men’s erotic fantasies about us. Reading these narratives it is abundantly clear they are embodying their deeply sexist idea of what it means to be a woman.

Forced Feminisation

This comes up frequently. What these men are saying is that they cannot think of anything more humiliating than to be forced into being (treated as) a woman; who is naturally designed, in their warped mindset, for the submissive role. One talks about taping his genitals up so that he is ”forced” to sit to pee. The accounts bellow are very explicit 👇 on their forced feminisation fetish but one admits he lies to his therapist; an admission made by multiple other respondents.

One respondent categorily stated that, if they are honest, most transsexuals have these fantasies.

Rape fantasy

Autogynephilic transsexuals are heterosexuals but this does not mean having sex with other men is not a feature of their fantasy, or real, life. Some of this is what I think of as ”validation” sex , where the man is a prop to validation the AGP’s female persona. Some of them add a layer of humiliation by making it non-consensual. This makes them feel more authentic as woman, let that sink in.

Here one talks about fantasising about being gang raped, as a woman, by many men.

Woman as ”victim”

This excerpt is from a Master’s Thesis in which a man talks about how being involved on the fetish scene, as a ”submissive”, helped cement his identity as a ”woman”. After one brutal experience, where his ”safe” word was ignored, he opined that the experience validated him as a woman. {No, sunshine this just shows you are a man who does not see women as fully human}.

Just one of the ”girls”

Some of the men deemphasise the sexual component but insult women in different ways by deploying the most regressive, sexist, stereotypes always calling themselves ”girl” even when many are middle-aged blokes. Here is a classic of the genre: Somebody has watched Grease a few too many times. 😳

Man are also participating, without their consent, as the narrators get an extra thrill trying to hid their erections, when a man refers to them as Ma’am or treats them with chivalry. They want to be women (oops ”girls”) from the 1950’s.

Men = Logical. Women = emotional

Many of these men actually admit they are not women trapped in men’s bodies. Many of them are in, stereotypically, hyper-masculine occupations and are keen to point out how competitive and successful they are. This respondent talks about his masculine versus his “feminine” side in language that implies men do the thinking and females are all about feelings.

There are a lot of other quotes covering rooting through your female relatives/partners underwear, stealing and wearing sanitary pads all as aids to w**king. Many of them are open about getting erections or aroused in the women’s toilets or changing rooms. Sexual fantasies about becoming pregnant or breast feeding recur. Some get off on going shopping or having a manicure. Are there no sexist, reductive stereotypes, about women, these men won’t fetishise? Embarking on relationships with actual females sometimes induces a temporary halt to the fetish and a ”purging” of female attire. It soon returns. It has all the hallmarks of addiction and, rather than normalising this, and seeing it as a victimless crime, they should be made to confront the real harm they are doing to women’s, sex based, rights.

Why autogynephiles lie.

Of course there is an incentive to lie to therapists or anyone in a position to ”gatekeep” access to treatments. However, it is also verboten to admit these fantasies to other ”transsexuals”.

Lawrence speculates that this may be why some gender therapists claim not to have seen any/many autogynephiles.

Some of the respondents felt that Lawrence was doing a disservice to the ”trans” community by exposing the dark underbelly of their community.

People are starting to see us as something other than freaks” Exposing autogynephilia may ”screw that up”.

At the heart of this paraphilia is deception

Women (and men) cannot be allowed to see the truth. Some are open at the deception they practice. Carefully curating their image so women let their guard down. Here is one example.

Men will sometimes claim that all they get from wearing female clothes is a feeling of ”relaxation”. This is to obscure their real , sexual, motivation and encourage women to feel sympathy for a man who is, perhaps, taking a break from living in a stressful male role. Blanchard was not happy to collude with this deceit.


There is a lot more to be gleaned from these accounts. In particular it may be worth returning to Lawrence’s insistence that boys as young as three are experiencing sexual fantasies. This seems to be dangerous territory.

I just want to conclude with a couple of statements, by Lawrence, who appeals to men to present themselves as akin to natal women as they can. Adding, if this gives you an erotic thrill, so much the better.

Superficially his advice for male “transsexuals”, to exercise some humility about their relationship to ”natal women”, could look like empathy but it is really advice to his undercover brothers about how best to exploit women’s support. Imagine living with a man who studies you, and relies on you to educate him to better emulate your behaviour, while simultaneously destroying your sex-based rights. (See accounts from Transwidows, for how creepy this behaviour is). This is not symbiosis its parasitical.

If you are salaried and able to support my work you can do so here. All contributions gratefully received.


Researching Gender Identity Ideology and it’s harms; to women and girls and gay youth sent down a medicalised pathway.


Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies

In preparation for sharing the testimony of males with autogynephilia, Dr Ann Lawrence first explains why AGP males can be unreliable narrators of their own lives. Lastly Lawrence explains why he thinks the narratives he collected were more reliable.

First erotic arousal, while cross-dressing will either be omitted or it will be minimised.

They may indulge in a wishful falsification of their own childhood. This may not even be conscious. It may be outright, conscious lying but it could also be misinterpreting insignificant childhood events which, repeated often enough, are deeply embedded and fervently believed. For those men who have undergone significant, bodily, modification there may be a psychological need to believe this was inevitable based on the conjuring up of childhood memories. I would also had that given the shame associated with autogynephilia locating the desire in childhood serves to remove the sexual component, that is the source of the shame.

Bancroft (1972) documented a change in testimony from one patient who changed their story mid therapy. First they claimed they were of recent origin and then he retconned his narrative to report an earlier onset of the feelings.

Clients seeking access to surgery were more likely to misrepresent. Lawrence is of the few that, whilst sometimes this was deliberate it was “more often unintentionally”. I am not going to suggest all these men are consciously lying but I will only observe that there are many inconsistencies in the narratives of the transsexuals I have covered. There may be, as Fisk observes, ”pat histories”. How many accounts claim to have discovered their ”gender identity” at unfeasibly early ages at odds with child development theory? Alterations can be subtle, post-hoc rationalisations, outright denials or repressing a personal history that doesn’t reflect well on the subject. Note we have known about this compulsion to lie for over 50 years.

The subject may need to convince themselves as well as others. They may be more comfortable with the idea they are a true ”transsexual” rather than just a man who indulges in transvestic fetishism. The former has been granted some legitimacy, thanks to the rush to legally recognise ”transsexuals” by legislators across Europe and North America. The various ”Gender Recognition Acts” have conferred legitimacy on this desire of men to present, as the woman they love, on a daily basis.

Here is a handy list of the most common lies which ”transsexuals” admit to lying about. Lying about sexual arousal while wearing women’s apparel; pretending they are not sexually attracted to women/are attracted to men; pretending to have preferred toys associated with girls, as a child and claiming to have identified with female characters as a child.


Spare a thought for the wives of these men because they are not just re-writing their own histories but also those of their wives and children. In these cases the self-deception tips over into gaslighting and even abuse.

How reliable are Lawrence’s subjects?

Given all we know about the deception why would Lawrence’s interviewees be any more reliable? First of all they know they are speaking to a fellow autogynephile. They also have anonymity. Lawrence has also screened the respondents and weeded out those who were suspected of submitting narratives that had been published in earlier books about ”transsexuals”.

Lawrence had this to add. The MTF “transsexuals” that deviate from a ”true-trans” classic narrative are supplying ”reluctant testimony” which adds credibility. Those that own their early masculinity, heterosexuality and sexual arousal while cross-dressing are more likely to be truth-tellers. There is less motivation to misreport these things.

In the next piece I will cover the testimonies provided to Lawrence. His motivations may not align with radical feminist perspectives but he has performed a great service in documented this phenomenon.

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Researching Gender Identity Ideology and the impact on women’s, sex based, rights as well as the war on Lesbians, Gay men and the funnelling of baby gays to Gender Clinics.


Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies 2

Dr Ann Lawrence: copy below. 👇


This is the third in my series on the work of Dr Ann Lawrence and the second blog which focuses on this book. Lawrence describes himself a ”transsexual” and admits to having autogynephilia. {For neophytes this is a paraphilia where a man is sexually aroused at the thought of himself as a woman. Often this is sanitised as ”love of oneself as a woman” brushing the sexual arousal part under the carpet.}. Part one below.

Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies

“Transsexual” accounts

Lawrence looked for any published accounts of men admitting to being driven by autogynephilia. He finds some accounts which have all the hallmarks of this paraphilia but an explicit admission, or even awareness of autogynephilia, was in short supply. Here is one from 1978. 👇Note the envy and the confusion of sexual desire, this is the erotic target location error that is autogynephilia. Note also the masculine language of ownership.

The role pornography plays is evident from many of these accounts. This, from 1995, is Kate Bornstein, who married, fathered a child and broke away from the Church of Scientology; only to join the Gender Cult.

Another is Claudette Griggs who treats the real lives of women as their own sexual fantasy.

Deidre McCloskey is another late transitioner who followed the well worn path from transvestic fetishism to ”transsexual”. McCloskey is another one who has turned a masturbation aid into an ”identity”.

Erica Zander claims a Lesbian identity despite not meeting the most basic of entry requirements. This is reminiscent of Hunt’s account with the language of ”ownership” : “Have her and be her”. Note also the appearance of ”envy”.

Here the author claims the erotic arousal is an unwelcome side effect of their cross dressing. Another one who married and fathered a child.

The evidence of the sexual motivations for these ”transsexuals” dates back decades. Remember these accounts when someone tries to manipulate you with claims of ”true transsexual” or who hides their autogynephilia. Or, even worse, is open about their AGP and claims we need to normalise it.

Lawrence did not find enough accounts of autogynephilia in the public domain so decided to add to the literature by seeking anonymous accounts. Men with AGP tend to be unreliable narrators and Lawrence covers the motivations for lying at some length. I will cover the nefarious motives for this obfuscation in my next piece. Then I will cover the accounts given to Lawrence. Are men more honest when talking to fellow autogynephiles? What could be worse than the above accounts? Are there even darker accounts of this paraphilia? (The answer is a resounding YES, in case you were wondering)

You can support my work here. I now have a small income and some financial independence but donations help keep the wolf from the door.

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and it’s impact on policy, law, especially pertaining to women’s rights and gay rights.


Autogynephilia & Narcissistic Rage


Paper by Dr Ann Lawrence


This is the second in my series looking at the work of Dr Ann Lawrence; a self-described autognephile and ”transsexual”. In this paper Lawrence explains the origins of the narcissistic rage which is a feature of TRA (Trans Rights Activists) on twitter and in real life.

Narcissistic Rage and Shame

The paper covers the work of Alice Dreger who documented the TRA attacks on Michael Bailey, author of the Man Who Would Be Queen. I did a series on MWWBQ a while ago. You can read that series here which covers this abuse and Dreger’s work. 👇

Man who would be Queen

In this piece I want to deal with Lawrence’s explanation for Narcissistic rage and how it is rooted in shame. The backlash to Bailey’s book was far more virulent than a few critical book reviews, it was a savaging of the author and even targeted his children. Lawrence’s paper provides an explanation (not quite a justification, but definitely in the realm of mitigation) for the level of vitriol directed at Bailey.

Lawrence points out that the main opponents of Bailey’s book were heterosexual “trans” identified males. For Lawrence this is not merely coincidental but is rooted in the paraphilia known as autogynephilia.

To bolster his claim Lawrence quotes the author of a book about Narcissistic Rage (Kohut 1972). The aggrieved (narcissistically injured) will have an unending compulsion to extract revenge.

Exhibit A, in the U.K, would be Graham Linehan. JK Rowling would be a close second.

Lawrence goes on to explain why he feels AGP males are particularly vulnerable to exhibitions of Narcissistic rage. Remember Lawrence is speaking from an insiders perspective so he uses the framing of “vulnerable” to exhibitions of narcissistic rage. Women have a different vantage point so I would modify this to inclined to narcississtic rage; just to emphasise the kind of males who are being granted access to our intimate spaces.

Retconned narratives & Erotic Cross-dressing

Lawrence proceeds to relate accounts from ”transsexuals” who claim they identified with, even Idealised, female figures as a child but were also disciplined for displaying any interests labelled feminine. It is important to note that we cannot verify these claims. It is plausible that some of this, maybe all, is what is known as a retconned narrative; the product of an adult, autogynephilic male to explain/justify his sexual, compulsion. Lawrence seems to take these reports on trust and argues that the consequence was a disordered sense of self. Personally I don’t feel particularly ”idealised” by men who masturbate while wearing female clothing.

Mirroring is describes “as being witnessed empathetically or approvingly”. I don’t think any mother is going to approve of her son masturbating into her underwear, or her daughter’s. It is perfectly acceptable response to disapprove whilst also necessary to get him therapy before the behaviour escalates.

Living as a woman

Lawrence does not explain what ”living as a woman” means. Radical Feminist thought has long arued there is no ”right” way to be a woman. To allow men to claim they are ”living as a woman” is antithetical to female liberation. It can only be a man’s idea of what a woman is and this will, pretty much inevitably, be derived from sexist stereotypes.

Lawrence argues that the situation may even get worse after ”transition”. The framing here is interesting. The fervent desire is to be treated as a woman. That is an odd desire since female typical experience is to be talked over, patronised, sexually objectified, under-represented in the political class and 2 of us a week are killed by men. At least Lawrence recognises that the Lady Penis class are often behaviourally very male.

Heaven forfend that women accurately sex these men. Were the black community asked to affirm Rachael Dolezal? Nobody deserves to be denied their civil rights or to be subject to violence. However, if your civil rights claim is to be allowed to colonise the female sex class the answer is a simple, NO!

Once again Lawrence claims these negative emotions are not ameliorated after ”transition” and may even be exacerbated as the autogynephile observes their own masculine traits.

Fantasy versus Reality

The author quotes some research which looked at a sample of ”transsexuals” and found higher levels of narcissistic personality disorders, marked by a sense of grandiosity and unrealistic expectations. The consequences are a significant gap between the fantasy and reality. We see the results of this disordered thinking with monotonous regularity, on social media.

Lawrence theorises that Bailey’s crime was to write about autogynephilia for a general audience. Previously it had been restricted to academic journals and was not a widely understood phenomenon. To this day our political class has to deny the roots of transsexualism to be able to justify the imposition of these, disordered males, on women. Bailey did not, Lawrence, highlighted, affirm the men’s claims to be a new sort of woman. He also did not hold back when revealing details of how the “transsexuals” he made made a living.

For the author it is therefore unsurprising that ”transsexuals” experienced this book as a narcissistic injury. There are, we are told, two possible responses to this injury, internalise it as shame or externalise it as anger. Lawrence implies that the latter is more psychologically healthy.

Then comes the emotional blackmail. Once again women should not be expected to host these damaged men whether or not we incline more to sympathy than hostility.


To be fair it is difficult to assess what Lawrence’s demands are, in concrete terms, of the female sex class. We simply don’t appear to have been considered except as a mirror required to reflect back a man’s belief about himself. Clearly Lawrence wishes there to be more research in this area and, at present, believes the language, used in this area, needs to be sensitive and empathetic; toward the man with autogynephilia. This may very well be appropriate in a clinical setting but it may also serve to concretise an identity which may not be in the subjects long term interests.

One thing is very clear, our politicians need to learn about this paraphilia, and fast.

If you can afford to support my writing , you can do so here. All donations gratefully received. My next piece will cover Dr Lawrence’s interviews with AGP males.

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and it’s impact on women’s, sex based rights, gay rights, especially our gay youth and the war on reality required to prop up this “movement”.


Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies


Dr Ann Lawrence: copy below. 👇


I have finally got around to reading this book. Dr Ann Lawrence is himself a self-described autogynephile. This book extensively researches the stories of men who are in the grip of this paraphilia. I won’t assume he is entirely honest, and he doesn’t address the impact on the female sex in this book, but he is more honest than most. I intend to do a series on the writings of Ann Lawrence because I think understanding this phenomenon is vital to understand what is behind the attacks on women’s, sex-based rights. It is also critical that we head off calls to normalise AGP, some overt and some insidious.

First the Title

Lawrence rejects the notion that these are women born in men’s bodies. They are, for him, men trapped in men’s bodies. The forward was written by Ray Blanchard who first coined the term autogynephilia, which is, basically, a man’s love of oneself as a woman. Blanchard theorised that men who claim the name ”transsexual” can be divided into two camps. The homosexual “transsexual” and the autogynephilic “transsexual”.

For Lawrence, all the attempts to deny and demolish this theory falter when confronted by the words and actions of autoynephilic men. It is not surprising that there is widespread denial about this paraphilia. It has huge implications for the kind of men we are being urged to accept in single sex spaces. Moreover *some* of these men have undergone significant bodily modification to breathe life into the “woman” they love. Rejecting ”her” from female spaces triggers narcissistic rage in these men. {Lawrence has written on this phenomenon and that paper will also be part of this series}.

Lawrence’s motives for writing this book are described as wanting to explain this phenomenon so that other men, in the grip of this paraphilia, have an understandinf of their affliction. Lawrence argues, somewhat against his own interests, that AGP men are not the one’s who should be accepted as ”women”. For Lawrence, feminine, gay, transsexuals have the greater claim. Whilst I reject this argument, it is remarkable, to me, that Lawrence does not argue for his own ”woman”. After making claims of psychological affinity between feminine, MTF, ”transsexuals” and women; here’s what he says about AGP Men:

We have all seen how many men with this paraphilia have backgrounds in the military, have pursued extreme sports, or have PhDs in disciplines which are dominated by men. Whilst I don’t accept any men are ”psychologically” women the AGP males stick out like an erect penis.

I part company with Lawrence in other areas too. 👇 This is not at the benign end of the paraphilia spectrum. Indeed the men desirous of re-classifying biological sex, in service of their own fetish, are one of the more dangerous groups of men. 👇


Lawrence points out that many of these men deny any sexual arousal is involved in wearing the clothes associated with the opposite sex. This was disproved when penile tumescence was measured. Interestingly the most aroused these men became was when they were presented with scenarios of sex, as a woman, with a male. These sort of fantasies are common in AGP males and are not true homosexual experiences. The source of their sexual pleasure is being treated as if they were a woman; it’s validation sex.

Men lie about their sexual proclivities, shocker.

Dr Lawrence puts a more compassionate slant on this deceit. This, he argues, may be driven by seeking to respond in a socially accepted way and may also be based on a genuinely held belief. In other words men may not know they are lying because they are deeply immersed in their fiction and ashamed that it is sexually motivated. Either way I have long since learned to be distrustful of AGP narratives.

Subcategories of autogynephilic behaviour

Blanchard identified other associated fetishes in men who claim a female persona. Some may fetishise pursuits which are associated with female sex(ist) stereotypes. Think of that when you hear about a man taking over the ironing or bread making or taking up knitting. Someone really needs to tell the Women’s Institute who featured one of these men on the front of their magazine. The are clearly naive about the motivations for one of their newest members. They may also fetishise pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

There are entire sites dedicated to men with these fetishes. Menophilia and Lactophilia generate their own porn and there is even a fragrance. 😳

Lawrence further claims that men can find the erotic stimuli decreases over time and the relationship of the AGP male, with his own female persona, becomes analagous to pair binding in a long marriage. I am not persuaded by this argument. Neither am I convinced we should treat this as a legitimate sexual orientation, as Blanchard proposes.

This would legitimise fetishising women and, as we can see, to validate this sexual obsession women’s rights to self-determination are being obliterated. This compulsion is driven by envy, even hatred, of actual women who decline to validate the ”New Women”. I am not willing to #BeKind to a movement which is in direct opposition to women’s rights. True compassion for the many young kids caught up in this is the real #BeKind, not fostering a delusion driving vulnerable kids to engage in state-sponsored self-harm.

Blanchard goes on to delineate the phenomenon of co-existing paraphilia that sit alongside autogynephilia. Are we going to legitimise all of them?

Lawrence also delineates the existence of co-existing paraphilia which are borne out by the reports of the ”transsexuals” he interviews. They include paedophilia, masochism, forced feminisation, adult babies, amputee fetishists and zoophiles. (I will cover these first person narratives later in this series).

Lawrence makes a critical point in this section. If we accept the notion of the female brain in a male body then are we also going to accept the idea of a little girl brain in a man’s body or the brain of an animal in the case of zoophilia?

Another claim, often made by AGP males, is that their impulses began in infancy hence they could not have had a sexual motive. This is such a common narrative. See ”I have known since I was three”.

Another observation, which casts doubt on the idea that this is an innate identity, is the differential, geographic, distribution of the two types of “transsexual” . In Asia the gay males predominate but not so in the UK and North America. This is a good quote but I would say modify it to state that our culture is accepting of this paraphilia regardless of ”the impact on others”

Denial of Autogynephilia

While I diverge from Lawrence on many issues it cannot be denied that this is an important work. Given that Lawrence is in the grip of this paraphilia they are more honest than most. They have suffered much backlash from the wider trans community who need to deny AGP to persuade law makers to compel women to serve as their handmaids. It is unacceptable that we are asked to validate men with a pornified fetish about our existence.

In this next section they respond to some AGP denialism. This quote is hugely revealing. The denial is explicitly because Blanchard’s typology is not incorrect; it’s politically inconvenient. All politicians should read this book.

More to follow in this series. I will cover a paper on AGP and Narcissistic Rage, next, then I will return to some of the case studies covered in this book.

You can support my work here. Don’t donate if you have limited funds. I now have a small income and some financial independence.

Researching Gender Identity Ideology and it’s impact on policy, law, especially pertaining to women’s rights and gay rights.


Diagnostic Criteria: Gender Dysphoria Short Version

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual: Changes

This blog is a transsexual perspective on the updated description of Gender in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  This is the definition that takes primacy in world literature so it is important.

Until DSM-5 the term to describe Gender Dysphoria was “Gender Identity Disorder”.  Many commentators compare this, erroneously in my view, with the former classification  of homosexuality as a “disorder”. Same sex orientation is a naturally occurring phenomenon and does not require medical intervention to sustain it as an identity.  

The changed definition of Gender Dysphoria, it is argued,  originates in calls from a  sub-group of Trans Activists who disliked the inclusion of the word “disorder”. They  wanted to de-pathologise Gender Dysphoria but, crucially, not create a bar to funding for medical intervention.

Note that activists prefer terms such as “Gender Affirming” hormones/ surgeries. This is all part of the same narrative which claims that some people are born the opposite “gender” but need remedial surgery to correct a tragic mistake in their sexed bodies.

Another actor in the drive to change the definition, I would suggest, is the hugely profitable Gender Industrial Complex . They need to emphasise those being treated had capacity able to give “informed consent”. Removing the idea that there is any disordered thinking at play helps make this clear.

I am going to focus on the work of Doctor Ann Lawrence. An autogynephilic transsexual.  You can normally access Dr Lawrence’s work here. Dr Ann Lawrence. At the time of writing the website is under revision so here is an archived link, should you wish to go to the primary source,  Archived Link

First up.   The new classification eliminates the subtypes based on sexual orientation.  Anyone who has been following this topic will know that the presentation of homosexual transsexualism is very different from that of heterosexual males.   The addition of people with an identity,which is neither male nor female, also makes an appearance.  Since this is nonsensical in terms of “sex” this illustrates the way “Gender” is given primacy over “sex”.


I will return to Dr Lawrences earlier critique, in another post, but here Dr Lawrence is interested in two specific changes.  Firstly  new framing that Gender Dysphoria is a distress, not about one’s sex, but about one’s “gender”.  Secondly the idea that, post gender transition, you “lose” the Gender Dysphoria diagnosis.   Both these aspects have significant implications for the sex based rights of  women and the rights  of Transsexuals to access long term psychological care.  ( Dr Lawrence is here concerned with the rights of Transsexuals, not those of women.)


Dr Lawrence is not a proponent of “born in the wrong body”, as a statement of literal fact. Dr Lawrence who used an alternative version  “men trapped in men’s bodies”. Not a phrase that endears Dr Lawrence to the loudest voices in the Trans Community.

The DSM-5 shifts the language from Sex to Gender. It asserts the primacy of a “Gender Identity”  over biological sex.



Its a political choice.  By changing the emphasis to gender the issue is decoupled from sex.  Read on for the people who seem to have won the day.  Spoiler.  It isn’t women! It also isn’t people with differences in sexual development (DSDs).


People with disorders of sexual development are often deployed in this “debate”.  I agree with Dr Ann Lawrence.  They are indeed being used as a smokescreen.  People with DSDs have complex, and often distressing, conditions: it doesn’t mean that they are a “third” sex or that we are not a sexually dimorphic species.  This is the response of Claire Ainsworth whose article here pops up regularly to argue about how many sex categories exist: 81AB608E-A9EC-4322-88C0-62E97D74C7F7

People with DSDs, don’t figure prominently in client referrals to Gender Identity Clinics and they are not , in fact, “trans” or any other “identity”.   In fact a survey of British Gender Identity clinics resulted in the abandonment of routine karyotype tests because people with chromosomal abnormalities are not a feature of their referrals.  Source Karyotype Tests


Their inclusion here seems to be to further a narrative that sex is not clear cut and to imply that trans people have some kind of “intersex” condition and therefore they need to be all under the same umbrella.  In fact people with DSDs are likely to be hurt by their inclusion under this heading:


So Intersex advocates were ignored.  We are ignoring the different etiologies of homosexual transsexuals and heterosexual transsexuals. We are ignoring Women’s rights. Finally we have an autogynephlic transsexual who is also being ignored, in favour of other autogynephilic transsexuals?  Muddying the waters with intersex references allows some transsexuals to fantasise that they have a neurological disturbance, an “intersex” or #LadyBrain.  This again helps only a subset of males in flight from a condition they do not wish to be named.


Autogynephilia is a condition rooted in shame and denial.  These men do not want to be reminded of the origins of their condition so you have to deny it too.


Women are being re-defined, against our will, because of a male fantasy!  Let that sink in. Women are so disregarded in our culture that porn sick men are allowed to re-define us out of existence or relegated to a subcategory as “non-men” or “non-transwomen” or “Cis-women”. Some transsexuals are honest about their pathway from “sissy porn” / “she-male” fascination.  Most vehemently reject this characterisation of their path.  Andrea Chu doesn’t


Let us return to what Dr Lawrence has to say about the impact on transsexuals.  While reading this I want you to remember that this entire movement was sold on the basis that it was to protect this tiny minority.  Here Dr Lawrence explains that the new DSM-5 allows for the label of “Gender Dysphoria” to be dropped after “transition”.


This fits the fantasy. You have merely had “gender affirmed” treatments to align your mismatched head with your body. You are Cured! Except Dr Lawrence points out this does not fit with the clinical reality.


The post-operative, or post-affirmed, transsexual is still not “cured”.  In fact the excessive desire to eradicate the truth of their condition is symptomatic their condition.  Even the diagnosis of “Gender Dysphoria” generates a feeling of “Narcissistic Injury” and therefore cannot be allowed to stand, irrespective of the material facts.


Dr Lawrence then quotes from the long term follow up of transsexuals which drew some sobering conclusions about the cohort they followed:


The conclusion of that study  here did not to question whether “affirmative” surgeries were the best solution. It did, however, emphasise that mental health care should be continued even after “transition”.  I would love to see more Trans-Activists focus on the long term health, physical and mental, of people with Gender Dysphoria.  However this seems a forlorn hope when a clinical diagnosis seems to be dictated by a group in denial of their condition.

The power of this tiny minority, within a minority, , to dictate the terms of their own diagnosis is noted.


To conclude. If you still think this is about protecting people with a genuine disorder you are wrong. This is a men’s sexual rights movement and it is trampling over women, gay youth, people with DSDs and is a daily assault on reality. All to appease a tiny minority within a minority.

Diagnostic Criteria: Gender Dysphoria

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual: Changes

This blog is a transsexual perspective on the updated description of Gender in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  This is the definition that takes primacy in world literature so it is important.  However it is not without its critics.  Many of them pointing out how weighted its membership is to the Pharmaceutical Industry.  One such article is here:  DSM-5 Controversial Guide

Until DSM-5 the term to describe Gender Dysphoria was “Gender Identity Disorder”.  Many commentators compare this, erroneously in my view, with the former classification  of homosexuality as a “disorder”. Not for the first time I repeat. Gay Rights are not the same as Trans Rights. Quite simply,  same sex orientation is a naturally occurring phenomenon and does not require medical intervention to sustain it as an identity.  Nor does it require other people to deny basic biological facts.

The changed definition of Gender Dysphoria, it is argued,  originates in calls from a  sub-group of Trans Activists who disliked the inclusion of the word “disorder”. They  wanted to de-pathologise Gender Dysphoria but, crucially, not create a bar to funding for medical intervention. Some, but not all, members of the Trans Community, desire/need, depending on your perspective, access to cross-sex hormones/ surgery to mimic the secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex.

Note that activists prefer terms such as “Gender Affirming” hormones/ surgeries. This is all part of the same narrative which claims that some people are born the opposite “gender” but need remedial surgery to correct a tragic mistake in their sexed bodies.

Another actor in the drive to change the definition, I would suggest, is the hugely profitable Gender Industrial Complex . They need to emphasise those being treated had capacity able to give “informed consent”. Removing the idea that there is any disordered thinking at play helps make this clear.  This issue is playing out in the UK with a current case against the Tavistock (UK Gender Identity Clinic). You can read about this  here or donate here   Kiera Bell Crowd Justice

I am going to focus on the work of Doctor Ann Lawrence. An autogynephilic transsexual.  You can normally access Dr Lawrence’s work here. Dr Ann Lawrence. At the time of writing the website is under revision so here is an archived link, should you wish to go to the primary source,  Archived Link

First up.   The new classification eliminates the subtypes based on sexual orientation.  Anyone who has been following this topic will know that the presentation of homosexual transsexualism is very different from that of heterosexual males.   The addition of people with an identity,which is neither male nor female, also makes an appearance.  Since this is nonsensical in terms of “sex” this illustrates the way “Gender” is given primacy over “sex”.  This, in my view, set the scene for an inevitable collision course for women defending sex based rights and Gay Rights organisations defending same sex orientation.


I will return to Dr Lawrences earlier critique, in another post, but here Dr Lawrence is interested in two specific changes.  Firstly  new framing that Gender Dysphoria is a distress, not about one’s sex, but about one’s “gender”.  Secondly the idea that, post gender transition, you “lose” the Gender Dysphoria diagnosis.   Both these aspects have significant implications for the sex based rights of  women and the rights  of Transsexuals to access long term psychological care.  ( Dr Lawrence is here concerned with the rights of Transsexuals, not those of women. By women I mean the old-fashioned, biological kind, should you need me to state this.)


Dr Lawrence is not a proponent of “born in the wrong body”, as a statement of literal fact, so naturally enough they are not amply quoted by the Trans Activist lobby.  Nobody pretends that Ann threw the first brick at Stonewall.  The description of being trapped in the wrong body, is repurposed by Dr Lawrence who used an alternative version  “men trapped in men’s bodies”. Not a phrase that endears Dr Lawrence to the loudest voices in the Trans Community.  #Cancelled.

The DSM-5 shifts the language from Sex to Gender. It asserts the primacy of a “Gender Identity”  over biological sex.  This article is written from that perspective.  Nevertheless this also has consequences for women. We have moved from Men trapped in men’s bodies to the idea that Men in male bodies are trapped in a mistaken “Gender” ; which can be magically re-assigned by bending language, and perception, to their will.



Its a political choice.  By changing the emphasis to gender the issue is decoupled from sex.  Read on for the people who seem to have won the day.  Spoiler.  It isn’t women! It also isn’t people with differences in sexual development (DSDs) or, as they are sometimes described, “intersex” people.


People with disorders of sexual development are often deployed in this “debate”.  I agree with Dr Ann Lawrence.  They are indeed being used as a smokescreen.  People with DSDs have complex, and often distressing, conditions: it doesn’t mean that they are a “third” sex or that we are not a sexually dimorphic species.  This is the response of Claire Ainsworth whose article here pops up regularly to argue about how many sex categories exist: 81AB608E-A9EC-4322-88C0-62E97D74C7F7

People with DSDs, don’t figure prominently in client referrals to Gender Identity Clinics and they are not , in fact, “trans” or any other “identity”.   In fact a survey of British Gender Identity clinics resulted in the abandonment of routine karyotype tests because people with chromosomal abnormalities are not a feature of their referrals.  Source Karyotype Tests


They are people with complex disorders of sexual development, a tiny number,  which are apparent at birth. Others only emerge when they fail to go through expected changes at puberty.  Their inclusion here seems to be to further a narrative that sex is not clear cut and to imply that trans people have some kind of “intersex” condition and therefore they need to be all under the same umbrella.  In fact people with DSDs are likely to be hurt by their inclusion under this heading:


So Intersex advocates were ignored.  We are ignoring the different etiologies of homosexual transsexuals and heterosexual transsexuals. We are ignoring Women’s rights, for our sex,and here we have an autogynephlic transsexual who is also being ignored, in favour of other autogynephilic transsexuals?  Muddying the waters with intersex references also allows some transsexuals to fantasise that they have a neurological disturbance, an “intersex” or #LadyBrain.  This again helps only a subset of males in flight from a condition they do not wish to be talked of, let alone to admit to suffering from.


Autogynephilia is a condition rooted in shame and denial.  These men do not want to be reminded of the origins of their condition so you have to deny it too.  You can read more on this elsewhere on my blog.  I recommend Michael Bailey’s work which I cover in a three part series. One of them on this type of transsexual The Man Who Would Be Queen: Michael Bailey: {Part Three}


Women are being re-defined, against our will, because of a male fantasy!  Let that sink in. Women are so disregarded in our culture that porn sick men are allowed to re-define us out of existence or relegated to a subcategory as “non-men” or “non-transwomen” or “Cis-women”. Some transsexuals are honest about their pathway from “sissy porn” / “she-male” fascination.  Most vehemently reject this characterisation of their path.  Andrea Chu doesn’t


For what women stand to lose here is a short summary.

However let us return to what Dr Lawrence has to say about the impact on transsexuals.  While reading this I want you to remember that this entire movement was sold on the basis that it was to protect this tiny minority.  Here Dr Lawrence explains that the new DSM-5 allows for the label of “Gender Dysphoria” to be dropped after “transition”.


This fits the fantasy. You have merely had “gender affirmed” treatments to align your mismatched head with your body. You are Cured! Except Dr Lawrence points out this does not fit with the clinical reality.


The post-operative, or post-affirmed, transsexual is still not “cured”.  In fact the excessive desire to eradicate the truth of their condition is part and parcel of  that very condition.  Even the diagnosis of “Gender Dysphoria” generates a feeling of “Narcissistic Injury” and therefore cannot be allowed to stand, irrespective of the material facts of their condition.


Dr Lawrence then quotes from the long term follow up of transsexuals which drew some sobering conclusions about the cohort they followed:


The conclusion of that study  here did not to question whether “affirmative” surgeries were the best solution, It did, however, emphasise that mental health care should be continued even after “transition”.  I would love to see more Trans-Activists focus on the long term health, physical and mental, of people with Gender Dysphoria.  However this seems a forlorn hope when a clinical diagnosis seems to be dictated by a group in denial of their condition.

The power of this tiny minority, within a minority, , to dictate the terms of their own diagnosis seems to vindicate this article on the  Billionaires instituting transgender ideology across our institutions.  https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/


To conclude. If you still think this is about protecting people with a genuine disorder you are wrong. This is a men’s sexual rights movement and it is trampling over women, gay youth, people with DSDs and is a daily assault on reality. All to appease a tiny minority within a minority.